How do you moms out there feel about your young daughters cheerleading?Today my 13 year old daughter who has wanted to be a cheerleader since kindergarten,and my 4th grade tagalong daughter came home from the 13 year olds 3rd day of practice for the soon to be 8th grade cheer squad at a upstanding Catholic Middle school.
Apparently the girls were having to do a routine that another 8th grader from another middle school and her friend from our school made up. Although they have a varsity cheerleader there to coach and two chaperones they were shown some rather vulgar moves.
Apalled by the situation I responded by calling one of the chaperones and the coach. They assured me that the situation would be changed or taken care of, we talked about different options for the moves and I feel assured that it will be changed however what do I do if it isnt? There are at least 8 girls from our school who are trying out for cheerleading and this routine is for 'Fallfest at one of the cities Catholic high schools. I would like any (name removed by moderator)ut Moms especially.
Apparently the girls were having to do a routine that another 8th grader from another middle school and her friend from our school made up. Although they have a varsity cheerleader there to coach and two chaperones they were shown some rather vulgar moves.
Apalled by the situation I responded by calling one of the chaperones and the coach. They assured me that the situation would be changed or taken care of, we talked about different options for the moves and I feel assured that it will be changed however what do I do if it isnt? There are at least 8 girls from our school who are trying out for cheerleading and this routine is for 'Fallfest at one of the cities Catholic high schools. I would like any (name removed by moderator)ut Moms especially.
Thanks so much Marmeee 79