I have a child from my early twenties that my now husband accepted without difficulty. He is 10. My husband and I were not married in the Church but through a J.P. because I was pregnant when we were married. I realized no church would allow a ceremony with us. I was/am afraid to ask the local parish to baptize my oldest son and now my youngest son because I am extremely afraid they would say no because of my very poor decisions. I am afraid at this point because of my bad choices I have inadvertently harmed my sons spiritually and they will just have to wait until they are adults to choose to be baptized. I am also afraid after reading some truths about the Catholic church that God will not accept the marraige to my now husband whom I love very much. I have a good friendship with my eldest sons Father as we both realize the mistakes we made in our early years and just want to make the best of the situation. Tell me, am I over thinking the situation and allowing my anxiety to get the best of me? The guilt I have for all my poor decisions in my life weighs me down so much sometimes because I feel like I cannot come back from them.
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