Chris Rock and abortion

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How right on is this?
God Bless,

Rock On
Chris Rock hits on a profound truth.

By Dorinda Bordlee
It’s time for all of us in the pro-life movement to learn to appreciate the power of political satire. Comedian Chris Rock, slated to host the Oscars this month, is being accused of promoting abortion.

“Abortion, it’s beautiful, it’s beautiful abortion is legal. I love going to an abortion rally to pick up women, cause you know they are f*!@*%g,” Rock said during his club routine.

Whether Rock is pro-life or pro-choice, whether he intended to use satire or really believes what he said, is beside the point. What’s “beautiful” is that Chris Rock has exposed a profound side effect of legalized abortion — the sexual mistreatment of women.

It’s been over 30 years since the United States Supreme Court began our nation’s social experiment in legalized abortion. Millions of post-abortive women and their tragic stories prove that Alice Paul was right when she said “abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.”

Who was Alice Paul, you ask? She was the original drafter of the Equal Rights Amendment before it was hijacked by radical feminists. Alice Paul was one of our lead suffragette foremothers who fought along side Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to establish women’s right to vote.

As Harvard Law Professor Mary Ann Glendon has noted, “to earlier feminists who had fought for the vote and for fair treatment in the workplace, it had seemed obvious that the ready availability of abortion would facilitate the sexual exploitation of women.”

So here we are, five years into the new millennium, and a comedian has the nerve to say out loud what men across America know full well: that legalized abortion is great for their sex lives; that abortion on demand makes women into sex objects with the full consent of the highest court in the land; and that if their sexual use of a woman results in the unfortunate side effect of a pregnancy, then $300 and their “kindhearted” support of the woman’s “right to choose” will take care of the problem.

The real problem is that women have gotten the raw end of this deal. Roe has ruined romance. Every woman’s deepest desire to love and be loved has been distorted into a license to use and be used. Women have paid with their bodies and their souls. Abandoned emotionally and financially by the men they loved, and moved by profound grief at the loss of their children, they stand in front of crowds with signs that say "I regret my abortion."

Comedic satire may seem at first blush to be a harsh way to draw attention to the fact that legalized abortion allows men to sexually prey on women. But in our culture of entertainment it makes the point well.

We need not throw rocks at Chris Rock for having the audacity to expose how abortion has impacted men’s view of women. He’s crass, he’s crude, he’s vulgar — but he has hit the mark.
I totally agree with you! Chris is vulgar harsh and he has always been smart alec to reveal deeper truths.The radical feminazies call the contraceptive abortive mentality freedom:mad: It is enslavement for women and gives men more “freedom” to view and use women as objects for their own gratification.God Bless
We need not throw rocks at Chris Rock for having the audacity to expose how abortion has impacted men’s view of women. He’s crass, he’s crude, he’s vulgar — but he has hit the mark.
I just saw the Drudge Report article and found this thread. I used to think that Chris Rock, though crass, was funny. I saw this particular routine live on HBO, my jaw dropped and I swore never to spend another cent on anything done by this chauvanist bigot ever again. I mean, I wouldn’t even expect a comment like that from religion-haters George Carlin or Bill Maher. Amazing that Rock is the person selected to host the Oscars.

No wonder “The Passion” was snubbed, how could evil pay homage to good?

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I just saw the Drudge Report article and found this thread. I used to think that Chris Rock, though crass, was funny. I saw this particular routine live on HBO, my jaw dropped and I swore never to spend another cent on anything done by this chauvanist bigot ever again. I mean, I wouldn’t even expect a comment like that from religion-haters George Carlin or Bill Maher. Amazing that Rock is the person selected to host the Oscars.

No wonder “The Passion” was snubbed, how could evil pay homage to good?

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I disagree sweetchuck,He may have meant it or used satyre, either way what he did do is expose the abortion mentalilty and the deeper truths of the issue.The radical feminists say abortion “rights” protect women, no they hurt women,and Chris whether serious or satyrical exposed the fact that abortion allows men to use women as objects and when their pro-aborts,they feel free use them for what they can get.God Bless
I disagree sweetchuck,He may have meant it or used satyre, either way what he did do is expose the abortion mentalilty and the deeper truths of the issue.The radical feminists say abortion “rights” protect women, no they hurt women,and Chris whether serious or satyrical exposed the fact that abortion allows men to use women as objects and when their pro-aborts,they feel free use them for what they can get.God Bless
I dunno, I don’t think there’s any defense for a comment like “Abortion, it’s beautiful, it’s beautiful abortion is legal.” Plus, in the context of the stand-up routine he was doing at the time, he was talking about all the things that make America beautiful, drawing applause from the audience, even with the abortion comment. After the comment, his reverent tone shifted to humor and that’s when he made the jokes about picking up women at abortion rallies. I agree with you that he inadvertently exposed the objectification of women, but I doubt his audience consciously realized that, or objected for that matter, guaging the crowd’s reaction. It’s not like he was some sort of innocent bystander who just happened to uncover some truth about the depravity of abortion. I cannot describe to you the presence of evil I felt when I heard what he said and the audience’s reaction. It was disheartening to say the least.
As horrible as what he said was,as pro-life people I would use that piece to expose the mentality and the contradiction of women needing abortion “rights” for their own good:( They say that abortion frees them from the oppression and tyranny of a male dominated society,well in turn they have give the males “permission” to further use them as objects and feel like since abortion is legal,the man can coerce her into an abortion ESPECIALLY the supporters of abortion.The pro-choicers opened themselves up for more abuse and degradation,I would call it out in a minute,it is sad Chris got laughs about that but I would use that as an advantage against their ideology in a second.God Bless
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