Just looking to open a discussion. DH and I are in an awkward financial situation. I had to quit my job due to safety concerns (some of you may remember my post months ago about a severe electric shock), and while we are not poor by any means, we are unable to repay a large sum of money owed to a family member.
It’s been two months and I haven’t been able to find a job. It seems like no one will take a degreed, experienced engineer seriously when she applies for a position at the local grocer. There are virtually no positions available in my field in this part of the world. So, I’m stuck.
Maryland has a foster care program for special needs children that includes a stipend to help with expenses and compensate the foster family. Lately I’ve been very drawn to this program. Now, I will admit, my first thought was “Wow, this would be great, I would be able to stay at home, making me available to start a family with DH, and we would still have enough leftover to pay grandpa back, albeit slower than we had planned.”
DH does not like this idea. He calls my motives are selfish, but then complains about how “we wouldn’t be able to do the things we enjoy anymore.” I’m not trying to shove this down his throat, but I would sincerely appreciate if he would at least give me enough respect to have a civil, respectful conversation about it where he didn’t call it a “horrible idea,” and demand to know “what planet I was on when I thought this scheme up.”
I guess I’d just like to hear if any of you have foster care experiences or from those of you caring for children with special needs how it has effected your lifestyle and ability to go on vacations, be active, and basically live a ‘normal’ life.
I’m also wondering what a reasonable expectation is as far as how expensive having a child is, because I really cannot fathom how one would spend even half of the monthly stipend offered by this program exclusively on the child.
I don’t intend to bring this up again with DH for some time, but I’m praying about it and want to have some real opinions if he decides he wants to revisit the topic.
It’s been two months and I haven’t been able to find a job. It seems like no one will take a degreed, experienced engineer seriously when she applies for a position at the local grocer. There are virtually no positions available in my field in this part of the world. So, I’m stuck.
Maryland has a foster care program for special needs children that includes a stipend to help with expenses and compensate the foster family. Lately I’ve been very drawn to this program. Now, I will admit, my first thought was “Wow, this would be great, I would be able to stay at home, making me available to start a family with DH, and we would still have enough leftover to pay grandpa back, albeit slower than we had planned.”
DH does not like this idea. He calls my motives are selfish, but then complains about how “we wouldn’t be able to do the things we enjoy anymore.” I’m not trying to shove this down his throat, but I would sincerely appreciate if he would at least give me enough respect to have a civil, respectful conversation about it where he didn’t call it a “horrible idea,” and demand to know “what planet I was on when I thought this scheme up.”
I guess I’d just like to hear if any of you have foster care experiences or from those of you caring for children with special needs how it has effected your lifestyle and ability to go on vacations, be active, and basically live a ‘normal’ life.
I’m also wondering what a reasonable expectation is as far as how expensive having a child is, because I really cannot fathom how one would spend even half of the monthly stipend offered by this program exclusively on the child.
I don’t intend to bring this up again with DH for some time, but I’m praying about it and want to have some real opinions if he decides he wants to revisit the topic.