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Hi, I’m new to Catholic Answers. It looks like an extremely useful site from the bit of browsing I’ve done!🙂
I’m a New Zealander, Catholic convert since age 18 (now 55!)

My next door neighbours are Christadelphians. They didn’t tell me - I found out while feeding their cat while they were away on holiday, and they had their literature and “church” bulletins lying all over every surface so I couldn’t help but see.
They are very nice, and we get on well. The subject of religion has never come up, and they don’t know I’m Catholic unless they’ve seen my fortnightly national Catholic newspaper in my letter box, but someone (maybe their visitors) puts Christadelphian invitations to lectures in my letter box at times, but I just bin it.
I don’t know a lot about Christadelphians, except that they reject certain mainstream Christian beliefs like the Trinity.
Would they be classed as a cult?
Anyone ever had discussions with them (not that I want to START one) and know what they particularly hate about Catholics? (I’ve read they are very anti-Catholic)
Hi Alison, I’ve never heard of this group at all. Hopefully someone will come along and enlighten us both!
From “A Catholic Dictionary,” edited by Donald Attwater:

The Christadelphians are a “Protestant sect founded in the U.S.A. by an English physician, John Thomas, in 1848. They teach the infallibility of the Bible as the sole rule of faith; that human immortality is conditional and will be bestowed upon responsible persons after the general resurrection; and that from his second coming Christ will reign visibly from Jerusalem. They reject the Holy Trinity, a personal Devil, Hell, and infant baptism. They have no regular ministry.”

You will note certain similarities to the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Hi, I’m new to Catholic Answers. It looks like an extremely useful site from the bit of browsing I’ve done!🙂
I’m a New Zealander, Catholic convert since age 18 (now 55!)

My next door neighbours are Christadelphians. They didn’t tell me - I found out while feeding their cat while they were away on holiday, and they had their literature and “church” bulletins lying all over every surface so I couldn’t help but see.
They are very nice, and we get on well. The subject of religion has never come up, and they don’t know I’m Catholic unless they’ve seen my fortnightly national Catholic newspaper in my letter box, but someone (maybe their visitors) puts Christadelphian invitations to lectures in my letter box at times, but I just bin it.
I don’t know a lot about Christadelphians, except that they reject certain mainstream Christian beliefs like the Trinity.
Would they be classed as a cult?
Anyone ever had discussions with them (not that I want to START one) and know what they particularly hate about Catholics? (I’ve read they are very anti-Catholic)
I myself am not Roman Catholic, you would call me a Protestant. 🙂

The Christadelphians are a cult and there teachings are very anti-christian. Check this link for some info on this group: Click Here
Thanks a lot, Karl & Ric, for the information!

I feel the need to be as informed as possible in case they try to “convert” me, because it’s very clear they spend all of their non-working hours studying the Bible, going to meetings and weekend gatherings, etc. They stick very much to “their own”, socially.
As a group, they advertise quite agressively in the local newspaper’s “Church Services” column.
I’m glad that we actually have a good, neighbourly relationship, so that they will at least know (I hope, please God!) that Catholics in the flesh (as opposed to in theory) are reasonably pleasant people, if/when they find out I am one.
Hi Ric! I don’t actually use the term “Protestant” for my non-Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ, so I wouldn’t call you Protestant.
I was once a non-Catholic; grew up in a very anti-Catholic home, but have been “wedded” to the Catholic church intellectually, emotionally and spiritually through many ups and downs for 37 years. It is just like a well-seasoned marriage!
So I understand the non-Catholic point of view from the inside, and from being the only Catholic in my family.
I’m still deeply grateful to God that I am one …😃

Haven’t heard a mention of the Christadelphians in years. My theory is that it’s always good to go to the source. The website of the NZ Christadelphians is under construction, offers only an address and phone #, with a promise of more to come soon; but those next door to you in Oz have one.

Australian Christadelphians

Many years,

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