Christian Existentialism Links

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Can anyone give me some decent websites about Christian existentialism or Søren Kierkegaard? Thank you.
quote: Warrior89
Can anyone give me some decent websites about
Christian existentialism or Søren Kierkegaard? Thank you
As to Christian existentialism, you may wish to
consider the works of Gabriel Marcel.

In terms of Christian existentialism:

Scholarship goes well beyond encyclopedic summaries,
but such summaries may provide a platform to stand on,
as study goes forward.

I found it difficult to follow the words of Søren Kirkegaard,
though I chose philosophy as a major, some 40 years ago.
Kirkegaard was a vastly complex man.

An online essay on Kirkegaard [a pdf file]

I don’t necerssarily recommend the following article,
I just note that it is available as an overview of the topic.

I am somewhat familiar with the work of the exitentialist
Albert Camus.

It may help to know that one of the perduring
questions in life is “does life have intrinsic meaning?”
Is life meaningful - in and of itself?

People of faith find meaning in terms of their
relationship with God. Such belief addresses
the meaning of life, life’s end, the meaning
of suffering, as well as human limitation.

A given existentialist, who holds no such belief,
may claim that each man or woman creates their
own meaning.

Camus stated that life was absurd.
That man was to revolt against such absurdity -
thereby finding both dignity and meaning in this existential
posture of revolt. * l’homme révolté.*]

Camus’ essay, The Myth of Sisyphus, explicates this position.

Some exitentialists were emotinally devasted by
World War II. Any thought that man was perfectible,
was shattered. Their response to this terrible conflict
was to highlight that life is absurb. It has no intrinsic meaning.
Each individual takes responsiblity for creating meaning -
in a world and in a universe that is absurd.

Best wishes, as you go forward with your study of
existentialism, Warrior89.

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