The Cristero and the Vendee actions----were defensive actions. The Faith was being attacked by forces already in place. They were NOT “rebellions”! What these two actions were was push-back; they were defending their way of life from a new ideological invader. In the Cristero, it was Freemasonry and secularism that was attacking the old way of life. In France, in the Vendee, it was the atheistic ideology of the Enlightenment that was attacking the old way of life.
Don’t classify them as “rebellions” per se. They may be labelled that way as glib responses to history but in no way were they rebellions, i.e. revolutions. Both actions were about Defense of the Faith which is perfectly normal.
In LXX I Mac. 2:39-41 it says “fight or else be rooted out from the earth”. If you want to preserve your way of life, you have to pick up a weapon and defend it. There is an historical lesson that proves that point. In 7th century A.D., there were 500 bishoprics in North Africa. Just to put that into perspective, there is only 300 Bishoprics in America for 60 million Catholics. (There wasn’t that many in North Africa either but the amount of Bishoprics were impressive.) When Islam marched out of the Arabian peninsula, the religion was advanced by the point of the sword. No one knows what happened in North Africa, the Islamists wiped out all of North African Christianity! St. Augustine’s see? No more.
In French Indo-China, Catholics had to form militias to protect themselves from communists. And in Austria/Hungrary, Catholics formed home militias to protect themselves from communists.
“Fight or be rooted from the earth”.
In America, that would be impossible for European Catholics for there are no “Catholic” communities. There actually is no Catholic place in America to claim sovereignty of Faith for America is a secular country. Unless the Protestants do something but there is no unity of Faith for the Protestants. Many of them are liberal just like many Catholics are liberal. There is too much space in between traditionalist Christians to form communities and then to form a military/militia unit. America is too fragmented by race, religion, feeling to get anything accomplished anymore–and that is by plan by the elite running this country.
There can not be unity of action. In a homogeneous societies of Mexico and France, in both race and in religion, there can be resistance and unity of action. But in America, as a former military man, it is impossible. In order to form and conduct organized resistance, FIRST requires a homogenous body which would entail homogeneity of race and religion together. That has always been the case.