Christian Stewardship

  • Thread starter Thread starter Taliesson
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Not sure what exactly you are asking, but here is my take on the question:

We have a responsibilty to treat all of God’s creation with respect. We need to do our best to meet our needs without compromising the earth or the life on it.

I believe that the plants and animals are here for our benefit, and I do believe in eating meat. What I do not agree with is treating animals inhumanely.

I try to buy meat that is from local farmers that do without antibiotics and growth hormones, and the livestock is free range. I support my local producers in the summertime for things like fruits and veggies.

Is this what you were looking for?

I believe we are called to respect all of creation because it was made by the hands of God. Animals–domestic, farm and wild should be treated as humanely as possible. Why would we not respect what God has made? The bible tells us that God knows every sparrow that falls to the ground. If we take time to really look at the various animals, we can see a reflection of the Father’s great creative power and love.
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