My heart has been on fire lately (in a good way) thinking about Christian unity. I was wondering what is the best thing I can do to promote Christian unity as a Catholic? Would the ultimate goal of unity be for all Christians to become Catholic or for there to at least be an end to all quarreling, a mutual respect, and a sort of peace treaty between us all? All the division among Christians really saddens me when I think about it. Especially cause when you think about it, most of Christians in the mainstream protestant churches believe the same core beliefs as summarized in the Apostles or Nicene Creed. And those who are baptized in the correct way, are definitely joined to us in Christ, although in an incomplete way. A lot of the things that separate us are minor things, like the whole faith and works debate. Yes, the protestant understanding is usually wrong, but why should that separate us? Can’t we be united as one Church visibly in some way? Also, I was wondering if there are any religious orders or apostolates that are dedicated to Christian unity?