Christianity and Social Media

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Hello 🙂

Not sure if this topic belongs in this category.

What are your thoughts on Christianity in social media?

What I mean exactly is when facebook pages and groups post and share images of Christ, Marry, and many other saints with captions like “if you believe, share” or “if you don’t want anything bad to happen to whoever, please share”.

My opinion is that:
The use of images of Christ, Mary, and many other saints on social media is ok provided it is not used to bait people into commenting or clicking “like” and “share” as such “like” and “share” statistics can be used for commercializing social media pages/accounts. Are the people behind the pages looking for a way to profit off of Christianity?

This then makes me question the way the page authors are using Christianity. I don’t doubt the users clicking “like” and “share” or commenting “Amen” on the post as I believe they are mostly genuine Christians.

Thank You,
I feel if they are using media as an evangelizing tool, it doesn’t bother me. Just a modern way to go.
IF they are using “the chain-letter” scam format, most definitely not positive. More than likely trying to get likes/retweets/whatever they get now.
Dominus vobiscum
That is a very good way of phrasing it when they use Christianity in a “chain-letter”.
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