Can one be a “Christian stoic” if the only emotion he feels is the love of God and his kingdom, or does that contradict what stoicism is meant to be?
This was rather buddhist of youEven stoic attitudes to pain are not particularly Catholic. In Catholicism we enter pain and offer it to God united to the Blessed passion of the Son. We are not trying to transcend experience or become impervious to it…
Perhaps a more intriguing question is the one discussed by Socrates and his friend Protarchus: Is pleasure or reason the greatest thing a man can seek?Can one be a “Christian stoic” if the only emotion he feels is the love of God and his kingdom, or does that contradict what stoicism is meant to be?
It sounds like you would agree with Socrates that obtaining reason and wisdom are the best goals of life.I think virtue and truth are what a man must seek. and the courage to translate that into deed.
I think you are misunderstanding stoicism. I’m not terribly familiar with all of it, but it isn’t about negating human emotion as you seem to be saying.There is a typeo in my last post I meant to say, “I do not think Stoicism has a place in the family structure”.
Also, just in case maybe I should explain poker…