The real problem with Freemasonry is its strict antisectarianism. In other words, fellowship is regarded as superior to ecclesiastic authority and defined dogma. The second problem is the veil of secrecy that is an enigma to a functional Christian. Christ did not start a secret society, He did not preach in secrecy, He did not do His works secretly. So the veil of secrecy imposed upon a masonic member is incompatible with Christian living. Lastly, the naturalistic philosophy of the order is on par with blasphemy against God Almighty.
Masons pride themselves on being a Fraternal society, a brotherhood of believers. However, to preserve the unity of this brotherhood, allegiance towards the Order is required over allegiance toward a particular religious denomination. So as not to offend a “brother”, maintaining obstinate in an essential dogma of Catholic faith is grounds for exclusion, i.e., you either support the Masons or the Catholic Church, since your Catholic doctrine could bring you into conflict with a member of the Order, you are required to subvert your professed doctrine in favor of the Order.
Additionally, Masons are required to swear oaths of allegiance to their fellow Masons, and are required to make oaths of secrecy. Fundamentally, oathtaking is forbidden within Christian culture. As Jesus says in Matthew 5:33-37, “Again you have heard that it was said to the men of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’ But I say to you, Do not swear at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.” Sometimes these oaths require a Mason to come into direct conflict with the Commandments or the Gospels, and the essence is, “The oath to the Lodge supercedes religious imperatives.” So if a brother murders his wife, and the lodge has sworn to hide him, for whatever reason, in your house, your Masonic allegiance forbids you from doing the right thing and giving the person up to stand trial, or at least allow the State due process.
Lastly, Masonry is largely naturalistic in its scope of theistic interpretation. Because they are antisectarian, God becomes an analgamation of all religious beliefs, i.e. pantheism. God is everything and everything is God. This brings us into direct conflict with Catholic and Christian belief. “We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.” While Masons will admit that belief in a higher power is a fundamental requirement of being a Mason, the nature of that higher power is unspecified. The results is religious indifferentism. In other words, as a Catholic and Christian, the first belief is your dependence on a personal, all powerful creator God who loves you and whom you are bound to love, revere and obey. Any variation of this causes one to lapse into a mental state where God becomes the sum of His creation, nothing more, nothing less. As such, there is no moral imperative to love, revere, and obey Him, which is a violation of the First and Great Commandment.
So as you can see, Masonry is an abomination to Christianity. If you want fellowship in a way that is 100% compatible with your Catholic faith, contact your parish’s Knights of Columbus.