Christmas Card Inscriptions/Prayers

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I have never sent out Christmas cards. Always wanted to, but never managed. We took a quick and goofy family photo after mass today and I’m fidgeting with some of the websites that let you customize and then print.

I’m drawing a blank for what to put on the reverse side. Maybe a prayer or saint quote. Any ideas and help is much appreciated.
May the birth of Jesus fill your heart with Joy
and bring you Peace in the new year.
I found one that had a HUGE field for text on the back and slapped this on there because I love it.

“One night there went out over the stillness of the evening breeze, out over those chalky hills of Bethlehem, the cry of a new born babe. The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Earth did not hear the cry, for the earth slept; men did not hear the cry, for they did not know that a Child could be greater than a man; kings did not hear the cry, for they did not know that a King could be born in a stable; empires did not hear the cry, for empires did not know that an Infant could hold the reins that steer suns and worlds in their courses. But shepherds and philosophers heard the cry, for only the very simple and the very learned know that the heart of a God can cry out in the cry of a Child. And they came with gifts – and adored, and so great was the majesty seated on the brow of the Child, so great was the dignity of the babe, so powerful was the light of these eyes that shone like celestial suns, that they could not help but cry out: Emmanuel, God is with us.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

I couldn’t figure out how to shave it down any. It was too beautiful. Maybe next year I’ll have room to properly wish them well. 😁
I really like that. I might have to print that out and include it in the few actual cards I send.
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