Christmas honeymoon?

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We can’t think of any good ideas other than going to Rome and attend a Christmas mass said by the pope. Granted, that would be awesome, but wouldn’t it be insanely expensive? 🤷 Anyone with experience traveling in Rome around Christmas? Recommend any sites to visit for more info?

We’re getting married Dec 22nd so travel anywhere then will be slow and expensive. I’ve never been on a real vacation before so I don’t know what they cost, let alone what one to a different country during peak travel season would cost.

Honestly we wanted to take a cruise to Alaska but that was before we set the date in the middle of winter. Tropical places are out because I burn way too easily and frankly I don’t want a painful sunburn during our first few days as man and wife. We’ve been dating since March 2002 and while I know God has a sense of humor… that would just be torture :eek:
I don’t klnow about expensive, but I know you will need tickets. Why don’t you contact your diocese and also a travel agent?

Travel agents are unsung heroes these days. In spite of and online tickets directly from the airlines, travel agents can smooth out a lot of travel paths.

I used to work with a good many of them as a tech for travel software, including Saber and Apollo. They are the nicest bunch of people! Never have I had such generous and warm end-users!!!

Very often, a travel agent can get cheaper flights, better hotel reservations, and keep costs down.

But the tickets to the Mass- You are going to have to contact your diocese NOW, and the tickets may already be gone.
Our family went to Rome for Christmas in 2004. We had a wonderful time. We attended John Paul II’s last Christmas Midnight Mass! We also attenede a Weds audience and saw him blessing couples in their wedding attire 🙂 .

Search on line for airfare. Travelocity, Orbitz etc, but also the airline’s website. Sometimes they’re less expensive.

We rented an apartment in Rome for the week. It was less expensive than a hotel and preparing our own meals saved money, too. Search on ‘Rome apartments’ or ‘Rome rentals’ and you’ll come up with plenty.

I hope you go. Rome is awesome! I’ve been 3 times and would go back in a heartbeat! —KCT
Rick Steves - google his web site and you will find many valuable tips. Also, search here on CA forums, there are links to neat places to see!

I visited Rome during Christmas 1998 - it was FARRRRR less crowded.
If Rome’s what you have your heart set on, then go to Rome!

Personally, I’ve thought that a trip to Europe, Rome especially, would be wonderful, but probably not as a honeymoon. I’m just not sure that I’d be completely focused on the sightseeing and learning as much as I could about the history and culture, and I think I’d be completely content ;). International travel just seems like a bit too much stress for a trip that I envision as being focused on my new husband and our life together.

Remember that there’s no rule that says you must take your honeymoon as soon as possible after the wedding. Perhaps relaxing in your new home with your new husband for your first Christmas as a married couple is the best option? Sounds good to me!

We’re planning an April '09 wedding (yes, I know, a long way off…), and because there’s the possibility that I will be in grad school that semester, and because there will be the stress of moving in together and everything, we’re probably waiting until that summer to go on ours. Gives us something to look forward to :D.

I went on an Alaskan cruise a few summers ago–it’s breathtakingly beautiful, but Alaskan cruises in particular can get expensive, and the ‘excursions’ really aren’t that thrilling (unless you’re willing to fork over the cash to get helicoptered to the top of the glacier or go dog sledding, you could get stuck at a salmon hatchery like me!).

Then again, if you’re not foreseeing the need for lots of entertainment off the ship…it’s probably a good honeymoon bet 👍. Cruises in general are a great bargain…we’re thinking about the Caribbean for ours.
Thanks for the heads up because I didn’t know tickets sold out that fast for Christmas mass with the pope, although I suppose I should have figured that would be the case… :rolleyes: I’m a bit thick sometimes.

We both graduate in December and then I will start grad school and he will start a job so if we don’t go on a honeymoon immediately, I highly doubt we would actually go anywhere. We’re both boring people and I can see us deciding to not go anywhere just to save money and that would be a shame.

Apparently we need to sit down and decide for sure what we want to do and where we want to do it.

Rach – I doubt we’ll be needing much entertainment but since we both would love to see the sites around Rome I think we could pry ourselves away from the hotel room during part of the day. Sorry if this is tmi, but nights are long and we’re both young so we can stand a few nights with little sleep :o I’m getting a smidge impatient about this wedding finally happening. Is it December yet?
Another bit of advice, if you are going to Italy anyway - see Venice while there.
You could always just do a weekend getaway, be home for Christmas, and then take a big, nice vacation in the spring/summer?
If your starting grad school weeks after the wedding, and he’s starting a new job… wait awhile on the big honeymoon. Take a nice long weekend somewhere after the wedding, and save Rome for when you graduate as a reward to yourself, and as a last BIG trip before kids.
My husband and I just got married this past January 6th (I can’t believe it has already been 4 months!) We started back to our last semester of college 4 days later.

So instead of missing some school or not getting a great trip for our honeymoon, we decided to postpone it until after we finished the semester. We leave for our 2 week trip to Italy in 2 weeks and can’t wait! I think it was a great decision for us to wait because now we can really enjoy the trip 😃 ! I really recommend this to anyone in this sort of situation.
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