Well, we have the Advent Wreath. We use the wreath as well to discuss with our children the attributes of God. The evergreen … unchangable, the circle … no beginning and no end, the candles … Jesus being the light of the world.
We also have a manger, this Christmas it will be set under the tree sometime during Advent. It will be empty. The children will be encouraged to perform good deeds and acts of kindness. They will tell no one, but get a piece of yellow yarn and place it in the manger. Hopefully, when Christmas day comes, they will have made a nice bed of good deeds to welcome the Christ child.
On Christmas Day, we will have a nice dinner at my home with the grandparent’s. Then Six 0’clock Mass. Afterwards, my husband bakes cookies, while the children string popcorn and decorate the tree (which until this time, only had lights), with Christmas Carols playing in the background.
The children go to bed, we place the Christ Child in the manger, the gifts under the tree, and “hide the pickle”. The next morning after we open the gifts, we go to my Aunts for a Champagne brunch, then for dinner we go to my other Aunts where we will sing Happy Birthday to Jesus over a Christmas cake, and exchange gifts with the rest of the family.
As someone else posted in another thread, I try to keep the gifts small in quantity, but the grandparent’s have other ideas.
Although they have improved, instead of fifty gifts a piece, they have brought it down to about twenty five!
I’m still working on them.
May everyone have an abundantly blessed Christmas!