Christmas Tainted by Commercialism, Says Pope

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Date: 2005-12-11

Christmas Tainted by Commercialism, Says Pope

Invites the Faithful to Rediscover the Season’s Real Meaning

VATICAN CITY, DEC. 11, 2005 ( Benedict XVI encouraged the faithful to overcome the “commercial contamination” of Christmas by rediscovering the Child Jesus, the Son of God made man out of love.

The Pope, who led the recitation of the midday Angelus from the window of his study, referred today to the tradition of setting up a Nativity crib in homes as a way of presenting the Christian faith, especially to children.

In fact, on this occasion there were many children gathered below in St. Peter’s Square. Following a Roman custom, they came with images of the Child Jesus for the Holy Father to bless, which they will later place in cribs at home.

“In the present-day consumer society,” Benedict XVI said, “this period suffers, unfortunately, a sort of commercial ‘contamination,’ which runs the risk of altering its authentic spirit.” Read more
I am grateful that our spiritual leader has put into words what I have longed believed. May God give him a long and healthy life!
I always make it a tradition to put up my Nativity Scene FIRST before any other Christmas decoration goes up. Right after the New Year, most of the Christmas decorations will come down EXCEPT the Nativity Scene, which will stay up until Feb. 2.

(Traditioanlly in the Christian East, Christmas is celebrated for 40 days AFTER Christmas Day).
It is true, I often see my atheist friends and their families making a bigger deal out of Christmas than my Catholic family do themselves. Buying presents for everyone, and ensuring they have their advent calander. I think that it is a shame that Christmas has been destroyed - they put the christmas lights up in my town in November - NOVEMBER around the same time the shops start promoting it. It is such a shame.
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