Christopher Columbus: American Hero

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I would think that was because of Father McGivney. Cristoforo wasn’t involved in forming the Knights.
Yes, the article title is a little misleading; it is mostly about Fr, McGivney establishing the K of C, but he also considers why Columbus was chosen for the name.
I think the subject of this thread ignores the fact that there is a group of Catholic black men called the “Knights of Peter Claver” and why they had to form a separate group.
What’s actually interesting to me is the people that are critical of him usually don’t cite sources. I saw an article someone saying that he sexually assaulted aboriginal women. This individual provided no evidence for their claim. An assertion is not proof, just as an accusation is not proof.
To be fair and balanced I bought a book to read on Columbus called The Conquest of Paradise that I haven’t read yet. Supposed to be pretty harsh.
I recall an interesting line from the book “The Cardinal:” “America was discovered by an Italian who thought he was going someplace else.” Whatever else he was, I wouldn’t call Christorfo Columbo an “American” hero.
What’s actually interesting to me is the people that are critical of him usually don’t cite sources. I saw an article someone saying that he sexually assaulted aboriginal women. This individual provided no evidence for their claim. An assertion is not proof, just as an accusation is not proof.
Did you know that he went home to Spain after his last voyage in chains? I think I can get a citation for that if it is needed.

"Bobadilla arrived in August 1500, with 500 men and a handful of native slaves that Columbus had brought to Spain on a previous voyage: they were to be freed by royal decree. Bobadilla found the situation as bad as he had heard. Columbus and Bobadilla clashed: because there was little love for Columbus among the settlers, Bobadilla was able to clap him and his brothers in chains and throw them in a dungeon. In October 1500, the three Columbus brothers were sent back to Spain, still in shackles. From getting stuck in the doldrums to being shipped back to Spain as a prisoner, Columbus’ Third Voyage was a fiasco. "

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