Christopher Hitchens is an outspoken atheist, although the last few years it is clear he has begun to identify with his Jewish roots (his mother is Jewish and he has made comments about being, de facto, Jewish). Since Jewish is a religious distinction, not an ethnicity (most Jewish people are ethnically Hebrew), this gets confusing when people like Dershowitz and others refer to Jewish atheists or secular Jews.
Recently on Hardball Christopher Hitchens accused Cindy Sheehan of being a delusional anti-semite, blaming the Iraq war on a Jewish cabal in the Bush Administration. Sheehan simply said that this Iraq war was the result of neo-cons who put the interests of Israel over and above those of America. This position is hardly delusional anti-semitism, and has been put forward by Jewish paleo-conservatives such as Leon Hadar, Eric Margolies and Paul Gottfried, among others. In this whole Cindy Sheehan case we see Bush’s priorities. Bush couldn’t take time out to talk with Sheehan-- something advocated by conservative Republican
senators like Chuck Hagel and George Allen-- but he could take an hour to go on an Israeli tv show and threaten war against Iran.
There is a major [noxious] neo-con influence on mainstream conservative Catholicism, including Catholic Answers. This neo-con influence comes from the political world, not theology. Some decidely non-neo-con Catholic publications are “The Wanderer”, “The New Oxford Review”, Pat Buchanan’s “The American Conservative”, “Chronicles”. I’m a former neo-con Republican who got serious about his faith and left for paleo-conservatism and orthodox Catholicism. As soon as the American Distributist Party forms I’ll join.