Church a spotless bride to Christ?

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This is me not questioning the Catholic Church or anything I am just tring to understnad something. I forget which verse it is but, I remeber reading that the Church would be presented to Jesus as a spotless bride. O.K. that Church is the Catholic Church but, wouldn’t have the bad pope through history and other scandels not have put a spot on the Church? Could someone help me understand this? Thanks and God bless.
Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved** the church** and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present **her **to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
The Church, which is both the Bride of Christ as well as His mystical Body, is spotless. This is true, even though it is comprised entirely of sinners. How? Thankfully, the spotlessness of the Church does not rest with the members. If it did, there could be no true Church, as every earthly Church is comprised of sinners. The Catholic Church claims to be spotless and indefectible, while at the same time acknowledging the shortcomings of all members (including the Pope); we can do this because the verse above tells us it is so and Rom 3:23 tells us that we are all sinners.

We alone among Christianity can say that we do not bind error; an easy example is birth control - until the 1930’s, every Christian church stated that birth control is morally wrong. Since then, all but one have reversed positions. The conclusion is simple - either they taught error then, or they teach error now. Only one whose teachings haven’t changed can be said to be indefectible. If it is indefectible, the gates of hell will never prevail and she will remain the “spotless Bride of Christ”, regardless of the moral status of any individual member.

Does that answer your question?

God Bless,
The Church is made spotless through the blood of the Lamb and our cleansing in purgatory. Imperfect people and Popes, we all will have a time to be purified. Some tough apples like me will take a long time the whole time I plead for mercy and pray for you my friend as to not suffer as I will.
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