Church bulletin

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I honestly have no idea what forum this belongs in…

We always pick up our church bulletin so we are up to date on current events, and love reading the articles from the pastors and parish staff. There is a recurring column I typically like to read, as the author always has poignant points to make on very relevant topics to the week’s readings. However, last week’s article was littered with man-made global warming garbage.

The author did start off saying that there is debate to whether or not the increase in global temperatures is man-made or natural cycles taking place, but then immediately contradicted the opening statement by saying that we (man) are impacting the environment negatively by magnifying and contributing to climate change. He then goes on to say that we should be God’s stewards of the environment, on which, we both agree. Then proceeds to say that the Church teaches that we should care for the environment and because of this we are called to be more green, like purchasing green vehicles and doing more green things. He added that we must take action as a nation, implying that our government should step in and tell us what to do “for the common good”.

He finally references Papal encyclicals, and briefly says that while these are not political manifestos, they are works on moral theology. Unfortunately too many Catholics do not understand the difference between moral theology and political opines.

I felt that this article was in very poor taste, inappropriate, irresponsible and heavy on political opinion. I emailed the author, as he welcomes responses and I felt the need to voice my opinion, albeit professionally and without invective. I pointed out where I agreed (e.g.: God asks us to be good stewards of the earth) but also where I felt he overstepped the bounds of writing in relation to church teaching. This includes how much of the “evidence” being put forth has been manipulated and any disagreement of opinion and evidence to indicate such has been repressed with vindictiveness. I went on to explain why this topic should be kept to the political realm in more detail and said I would welcome any response he has, as I know that I can continually learn more knowledge and know that I do not know everything about the church or life itself.

He has not responded and I do not feel that I was out of line, especially in my tone, and with respect to the content of my reply. Based on what I’ve described, was I out of line?
Wow? You read the bulletin?
I find that incredible. I don’t think anyone in our parish does.
Good for you.
I mean it.

But I don’t think you were out of line, if you kept respectful. He apparently encourages dialogue. Maybe he doesn’t really WANT dialog. 🤷
Or maybe he’s only a part-time contributor. I wouldn’t read too much into it.
Frankly, I’ll bet he’s shocked you gave it any thought.
it will be interesting to read more of what Pope Francis says about this topic.
Be at peace.
Wow? You read the bulletin?
I find that incredible. I don’t think anyone in our parish does.
Good for you.
I mean it.

But I don’t think you were out of line, if you kept respectful. He apparently encourages dialogue. Maybe he doesn’t really WANT dialog. 🤷
Or maybe he’s only a part-time contributor. I wouldn’t read too much into it.
Frankly, I’ll bet he’s shocked you gave it any thought.
it will be interesting to read more of what Pope Francis says about this topic.
Be at peace.
Hey, thanks for the compliment. I guess I never gave it a second thought that people wouldn’t read it, but I guess you could be right.

I signed the email I sent to him with my name, as there was no sense in being anonymous, because I wasn’t nasty on any level. Besides, I know him, not well, but I did have a few long conversations with him last year regarding our kids going to their Catholic school and our finances, so we’re not total strangers.

Who knows, maybe his email is wrong in the bulletin or he is out this week, or maybe you are right, he says he wanted responses, but not so much when they disagree?
He has not responded and I do not feel that I was out of line, especially in my tone, and with respect to the content of my reply. Based on what I’ve described, was I out of line?
Good for you! IMHO, this climate change nonsense has no place in the Church. Why is there not more talk about Christian persecution around the world?? :confused:
I enjoy the bulletin as well but we get nothing like what you described just a letter from our priest explaining a relevant point of faith, giving positive examples of Christian life or basic instruction.

I don’t blame you for emailing the author it wasn’t the time or place for their political beliefs and the Pope’s encyclical hasn’t even been released yet. I’m so sick of hearing what’s in it and people’s opinions of it when we don’t even know what it says.
Yes the politics of the climate change argument does not belong in the church.

However the call for good stewardship in keeping the garden (Genesis 2: 15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it) is what I hope for and expect from the Holy Father’s encyclical to be released tomorrow.

Peace and all Good!
Just an FYI:
Talking real politics ( as in candidates and such) is forbidden around here. We could lose our tax exempt status as a Diocese if someone representing the church officially says any thing political or does anything political in a parish.
Our Catholic school principal made several people remove bumper stickers in “her” parking lot as well.
Just an FYI:
Talking real politics ( as in candidates and such) is forbidden around here. We could lose our tax exempt status as a Diocese if someone representing the church officially says any thing political or does anything political in a parish.
Our Catholic school principal made several people remove bumper stickers in “her” parking lot as well.
Hmmmm, makes me wonder now if I hit a real issue in calling out something that could seriously harm my church, like the discussion of politics in the bulletin. Of course, that is not what I want, nor would it ever be my intention.

I suppose there is a fine line between talking about abortion as a church issue and abortion as a political issue, and same goes for climate change.

Maybe Father is looking into the article as something more serious than I thought???

PS: when you say, “talking about politics around here”, do you mean CAF or your parish?
Hmmmm, makes me wonder now if I hit a real issue in calling out something that could seriously harm my church, like the discussion of politics in the bulletin. Of course, that is not what I want, nor would it ever be my intention.

I suppose there is a fine line between talking about abortion as a church issue and abortion as a political issue, and same goes for climate change.

Maybe Father is looking into the article as something more serious than I thought???

PS: when you say, “talking about politics around here”, do you mean CAF or your parish?
This Archdiocese.
Priests are careful not to endorse any candidate.

I assume it’s that way everywhere. 🤷
I fail to see why you are calling this “political opinion.” Climate change is a fact, and 97% of the world’s climatologists (not just scientists; scientists who specialize in studying the earth’s climate) attribute a significant portion of the increase in the change in global mean temperature to human activity. CO2 in the atmosphere has increased 43% over the past 150 years, which coincides with the beginning of the industrial revolution and increased use in fossil fuels, after remaining basically stable for the previous 1,000 years.

It’s not a political opinion that man is having an effect on the earth. I can do nothing about Christian persecution except pray; I can recycle, buy green vehicles, or take other actions that protect the wondrous gift of this planet that God has given us.
People never read the church bullitin? I cannot believe that. When I get home from church one of the first things that I do is I devour our bulliten. I feel that I need to know what is happening in the church!
I fail to see why you are calling this “political opinion.” Climate change is a fact, and 97% of the world’s climatologists (not just scientists; scientists who specialize in studying the earth’s climate) attribute a significant portion of the increase in the change in global mean temperature to human activity. CO2 in the atmosphere has increased 43% over the past 150 years, which coincides with the beginning of the industrial revolution and increased use in fossil fuels, after remaining basically stable for the previous 1,000 years.

It’s not a political opinion that man is having an effect on the earth. I can do nothing about Christian persecution except pray; I can recycle, buy green vehicles, or take other actions that protect the wondrous gift of this planet that God has given us.
They called it a political opinion because that is exactly what it is. Climate change is a fact of nature and mankind’s role in causing it is minimal. You don’t to get to hear the reputable scientists views on this because they are excluded from all climate change discussions.

You are entitled to your opinion, but I think your time would be better spent trying to convince climate change hypocrites like Al Gore to practice what they preach,
You don’t to get to hear the reputable scientists views on this because they are excluded from all climate change discussions.
“Reputable” = “agrees with my political opinions.”
People never read the church bullitin? I cannot believe that. When I get home from church one of the first things that I do is I devour our bulliten. I feel that I need to know what is happening in the church!
Well, I work in a parish. We get calls from 9 AM on Monday thru closing on Thursday asking about things that have been in the bulletin for 3 weeks.
Just an observation. Everyone DOES take one. I suspect in our neck of the woods, they line the floorboards of people’s cars. 😃

I’m not the bulletin editor, btw. She spends 2 whole days on it. She gets really hurt when it’s clear nobody even cracked it open. The older parishioners look to see how much money was given though…because they’ll call and question that.
I fail to see why you are calling this “political opinion.” Climate change is a fact, and 97% of the world’s climatologists (not just scientists; scientists who specialize in studying the earth’s climate) attribute a significant portion of the increase in the change in global mean temperature to human activity. CO2 in the atmosphere has increased 43% over the past 150 years, which coincides with the beginning of the industrial revolution and increased use in fossil fuels, after remaining basically stable for the previous 1,000 years.

It’s not a political opinion that man is having an effect on the earth. I can do nothing about Christian persecution except pray; I can recycle, buy green vehicles, or take other actions that protect the wondrous gift of this planet that God has given us.
Let’s NOT turn this into a debate about global warming. That was not the intent of this thread. There are plenty of other threads that are debating this and I’m glad to defend my position in those threads and have a civil debate about the merits of each side, but this was merely a question about whether or not I stepped over the line.

I think if you feel that global warming is man-made, state that and say then that you feel it should be included in the bulletin and I did step over the line and that the church should be writing about it legitimately. At the very least, this post is more oriented towards whether or not the church should be involved in getting political about it and enforcing it through moral theology. Otherwise, leave the man-made arguments (or non-man-made arguments) to other posts please.
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