Has anyone changed their opinion on Church Militant TV based upon their coverage of the Bishops’ cover-ups and sex scandals? Negative to positive opinion or positive to negative opinion?
I have. Even though I have been following their reporting for years I have always been a bit uneasy with them calling out bishops and priests. I am no longer. They always said they had much more than they ever reported as they only reported what the could source well. Now we know what they have been swimming in for years and why they do what they do. God bless them for being willing to do then for what the rest of us are just waking up to now.Has anyone changed their opinion on Church Militant TV based upon their coverage of the Bishops’ cover-ups and sex scandals? Negative to positive opinion or positive to negative opinion?
Pope Francis did not only protect and reverse sanctions on McCarrick but on several others as well. And, he called victims idiots and liars protecting another. Of course he needs to resign. Until he is no longer pope the Church has no credibility. Plenty of facts laid out well here…Michael Voris and his cohorts appear to have lost their minds of late. Their videos calling for Francis’ resignation are really frightening.