Church removing Indulgences?

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Okay one of my friends at Church told me that the Church is trying to phase out indulegences but that many Uber-Traditionalist refuse to let it just die like the Church wants…

All I can say is… Wha!?
I haven’t heard anything like that. I’m sure if something like that were going on, more than just the traditionalists would be upset about it!

Probably just a rumor.

Okay one of my friends at Church told me that the Church is trying to phase out indulegences but that many Uber-Traditionalist refuse to let it just die like the Church wants…

All I can say is… Wha!?
Probably your friend is misinformed. Ask him about the source of his claim.

If the Church IS phasing Indulgences out, it should have been publicized and reported at many places. Meanwhile, take your friend’s claims with a grain of salt.
Okay one of my friends at Church told me that the Church is trying to phase out indulegences but that many Uber-Traditionalist refuse to let it just die like the Church wants…

All I can say is… Wha!?
He’d have to explain why the Pope issued a plenary indulgence for the Year of the Eucharist. Your friend is quite misinformed. From the Catechism:
**1471 **The doctrine and practice of indulgences in the Church are closely linked to the effects of the sacrament of Penance.
What is an indulgence?

“An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints.” “An indulgence is partial or plenary according as it removes either part or all of the temporal punishment due to sin.” The faithful can gain indulgences for themselves or apply them to the dead.
Not only that, Pope Benedict has specially declared or reminded the faithful of several indulgences over his time as Pope - for example the Fridays of Lent last year.

Doesn’t sound like any attempt to phase anything out to me!
There is even a more current affirmation of this from Pope Benedict XVI in his Apostolic Exhortation issued yesterday:
  1. Finally, a balanced and sound practice of gaining indulgences, whether for oneself or for the dead, can be helpful for a renewed appreciation of the relationship between the Eucharist and Reconciliation. By this means the faithful obtain “remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven.”
(64) The use of indulgences helps us to understand that by our efforts alone we would be incapable of making reparation for the wrong we have done, and that the sins of each individual harm the whole community. Furthermore, the practice of indulgences, which involves not only the doctrine of Christ’s infinite merits, but also that of the communion of the saints, reminds us “how closely we are united to each other in Christ … and how the supernatural life of each can help others.”

(65) Since the conditions for gaining an indulgence include going to confession and receiving sacramental communion, this practice can effectively sustain the faithful on their journey of conversion and in rediscovering the centrality of the Eucharist in the Christian life.

If anything, I have heard that he intends a renewed emphasis on indulgences as many people do not know about them or realize their importance in their own salvation.
There is even a more current affirmation of this from Pope Benedict XVI in his Apostolic Exhortation issued yesterday:
  1. Finally, a balanced and sound practice of gaining indulgences, whether for oneself or for the dead, can be helpful for a renewed appreciation of the relationship between the Eucharist and Reconciliation. By this means the faithful obtain “remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven.”
(64) The use of indulgences helps us to understand that by our efforts alone we would be incapable of making reparation for the wrong we have done, and that the sins of each individual harm the whole community. Furthermore, the practice of indulgences, which involves not only the doctrine of Christ’s infinite merits, but also that of the communion of the saints, reminds us “how closely we are united to each other in Christ … and how the supernatural life of each can help others.”

(65) Since the conditions for gaining an indulgence include going to confession and receiving sacramental communion, this practice can effectively sustain the faithful on their journey of conversion and in rediscovering the centrality of the Eucharist in the Christian life.

If anything, I have heard that he intends a renewed emphasis on indulgences as many people do not know about them or realize their importance in their own salvation.
#65 implies I must be a Catholic to gain an indulgence. Is this right? 😦
#65 implies I must be a Catholic to gain an indulgence. Is this right? 😦
To gain a plenary indulgence, true. Partial indulgences don’t come with the requirements of communion and confession, only with the requirement that you be in a ‘state of grace’ (free from any serious sin - for those who cannot confess that means pray an act of contrition)
Church giving up indulgences? Interestingly in the Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis, issued yesterday, the Holy Father reffers to the gaining of indulgences. Odd for him to do so if he was trying to phase out that doctrine isnt it?
Actually it’s a she. She’s planning to become a Nun. Supposedly she learned this from our Deacon in RCIA.

Our Deacon’s saying is “If you think you got an indulgence your probably wrong.”

Since some part of us loves sinning there’s no way we can ever hope to get an indulgence therefore there not somthing to be conserned about. I’m going to check into this tonight at class…

Actually it’s a she. She’s planning to become a Nun. Supposedly she learned this from our Deacon in RCIA.

Our Deacon’s saying is “If you think you got an indulgence your probably wrong.”

Since some part of us loves sinning there’s no way we can ever hope to get an indulgence therefore there not somthing to be conserned about. I’m going to check into this tonight at class…

Let us know. I believe that IF you Deacon said that he is incorrect. Perhaps he said something that was misinterpreted? While it is difficult to get a Plenary Indulgence it is not impossible else the Church would not offer it. Personally I don’t believe that I have ever remained in a state of grace long enough to get a Plenary Indulgence. Here’s what I am going to try next time:
Go to confession on Saturday night before Mass, put a blindfold on before leaving the confessional, have someone escort me (blindfolded…remember) into the Chapel for Mass, saying the Rosary the whole way, receive Communion…hopefully that will work.😃
Okay one of my friends at Church told me that the Church is trying to phase out indulegences but that many Uber-Traditionalist refuse to let it just die like the Church wants…

All I can say is… Wha!?
The Director of Education at our church has expressed a similar sentiment to a local RCIA class… I posted something about this in another thread. Sorry to hear this is obviously not just her misconception and that others are spreading this idea as well. 😦
If anything, I have heard that he intends a renewed emphasis on indulgences as many people do not know about them or realize their importance in their own salvation.
An indulgence cannot affect salvation, except indirectly. It remits some of the temporal suffering caused by sins which are already repented and forgiven. This is often misunderstood, particularly by those Protestants who accuse the Vatican of selling “get into heaven” passes.

The act of gaining an indulegence and fulfilling the requirements is of course likely to increase one’s commitment to the faith, so it could in that way effect a change in the soul’s ultimate destiny. But it cannot do so of its own merit.
Okay one of my friends at Church told me that the Church is trying to phase out indulegences but that many Uber-Traditionalist refuse to let it just die like the Church wants…

All I can say is… Wha!?
Your friend is misinformed. Check out the most recent edition of The Handbook of Indulgences at your local Catholic bookstore (and support your Catholic jobs by buying locally) - you won’t be disappointed!! 👍

By the way, you will get a Plenary Indulgence for your First Holy Communion, under the usual conditions. :dancing:

If you fear that you won’t be able to remain detached from sin, just ask your Guardian Angel to apply it to the neediest soul in Purgatory. That person will then pray for you when they get to Heaven - and you know it’s nice to have friends in high places! 😉
Okay one of my friends at Church told me that the Church is trying to phase out indulegences but that many Uber-Traditionalist refuse to let it just die like the Church wants…

All I can say is… Wha!?
I highly doubt that would happen with the current Holy Father.
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