Church to change its stance on homosexual marriage

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(sorry if this shows up strangely. I had trouble posting this)

During a pre-confirmation class I attended today (yes, I was confirmed years and years ago but I was going with someone else), we were going through the ten commandments and got to the one about “shall not commit adultery” and our teacher was explaining all the branches that stem from that one (birth control, and homosexual activity) and he said “the Church may be changing its stance soon in regards to homosexuals in a long-term, committed relationship, because, well, the Church really asks a lot of them. I mean, they basically have to be celibate or priests or nuns. It’s a lot to ask.” :eek:

I’m not married, and sometimes I feel it’s a lot to ask for me to be chaste according to my condition in life, too. Maybe the Church will change its stance on that next, because it’s a lot to ask.

Also, can couples ask for permission to use birth control if they decide they don’t want children (or any more children) and be given permission by the priest to do so? Would they no longer be in sin for having marital relations if they did? We were told that this is often what does happen, and I have never heard this before.
Run,Run!:eek: :eek: Go to another Parish!Is the priest aware of this?:eek:
That “change” statement is very problematic; if the person who makes it really believes it, then he’s setting himself up. Even if it is theoretically possible that the Church can change in this instance (and I hardly think that’s likely), it’s imprudent to bet one’s life on it or to share it with others.

Here’s exhibit A:

There were a number of theologians who expected Pope Paul VI to reverse the Church’s teaching on contraception. “The Church will change—just you wait!” Guess how shattered they felt when the Pope promulgated Humanae Vitae. Just a short time after the promulgation, a bunch of theologians put up a one page ad in the New York Times protesting the Pope’s encyclical. Not good.

You make a very good point. All of us have our crosses to bear. Jesus came to forgive sin, not condone it.

As for your questions on contraception, I have no doubt that a number of couples have asked priests if they could use contraception. It may or may not be true that these priests gave them permission, but if they did, then they’ve overstepped their authority.

The Vademecum for Confessors states that, “The Church has always taught the intrinsic evil of contraception, that is, of every marital act intentionally rendered unfruitful. This teaching is to be held as definitive and irreformable.”

A couple who is erroneously told by the priest that they can use contraception is still committing a grave sin. The couple’s culpability might be mitigated because the priest gave them bad information, but what they’re doing is still objectively wrong.
your catechist is teaching heresy, there is no plan on the part of the Catholic church to change God’s commandments, it has no authority to do so. Since the magesterial authority of the Church is protected by the Holy Spirit from teaching error in regards to matters of faith and morals, it is not possible for the Church to change this teaching. Your catechist needs to be reported to the pastor at once, with direct quote of what was said, with witnesses, and documentation given to the bishop and the office of catechesis of the diocese.

Celibacy is the discipline required of priests and consecrated religious, which means remaining unmarried for the service of the Church, and living a chaste life. Chastity is required of ALL Catholics, no matter what their state in life: single, married, priest or religious. Chastity in marriage means fidelity, mutual love and self-donation, and openness to children. Chastity for everybody else, no matter what their sexual orientation, means no genital activity of any kind. Period.
Cherub said:
(sorry if this shows up strangely. I had trouble posting this)

During a pre-confirmation class I attended today (yes, I was confirmed years and years ago but I was going with someone else), we were going through the ten commandments and got to the one about “shall not commit adultery” and our teacher was explaining all the branches that stem from that one (birth control, and homosexual activity) and he said “the Church may be changing its stance soon in regards to homosexuals in a long-term, committed relationship, because, well, the Church really asks a lot of them. I mean, they basically have to be celibate or priests or nuns. It’s a lot to ask.” :eek:

I’m not married, and sometimes I feel it’s a lot to ask for me to be chaste according to my condition in life, too. Maybe the Church will change its stance on that next, because it’s a lot to ask.

Also, can couples ask for permission to use birth control if they decide they don’t want children (or any more children) and be given permission by the priest to do so? Would they no longer be in sin for having marital relations if they did? We were told that this is often what does happen, and I have never heard this before.

This teacher is 100% wrong, and needs to be 100% REMOVED from a teaching position. Start by reporting them to the pastor, and if nothing is done, then write a letter to the Bishop informing him of the heretic teaching Confirmation classes.

The Churc cannot “change” the moral precepts set down by God. She can only teach them faithfully-- something this person obviously does not get.

No, a priest cannot give permission for contraception. A couple who has serious reasons to postpone a pregnancy can use Natural Family Planning, which is abstinence based.

Your “teacher” needs some lessons of their own. Like Basic Catholic Teaching 101. Maybe the class should take up a collection and buy him/her a Catechism.

Also, don’t be silent in class!!! Someone might actually believe this nonsense if you don’t confront and correct this person and expose their untruths.
From what I have been told by some Catholics, there are people who do NOT follow The Church’s teaching but remain in teaching positions in order to undermine The Church’s teachings. I suppose you found a person who is trying to undermine The Church’s teachings.
From what I have been told by some Catholics, there are people who do NOT follow The Church’s teaching but remain in teaching positions in order to undermine The Church’s teachings. I suppose you found a person who is trying to undermine The Church’s teachings.
Might their screen name start with ‘RE’ and end with ‘teach’??? :rolleyes: :eek: 😃
Cherub said:
(sorry if this shows up strangely. I had trouble posting this)

During a pre-confirmation class I attended today (yes, I was confirmed years and years ago but I was going with someone else), we were going through the ten commandments and got to the one about “shall not commit adultery” and our teacher was explaining

Sweet Cherub,

Didn’t you tell us on another post that the confirmation class you were attending (the one that played the two DVD in the previous session you talked about) is an Episcopalian class?
Thanks for all the support so far, and yes katherine2, the class I wrote about a few days ago was Episcopalian, but as I indicated in that thread, we did not return to the Episcopalian thing after that. This one I am writing about today is Catholic.

It’s kind of a long story. It began earlier this year when we moved to a new parish. We used to be in a parish where fidelity to Catholic teachings was a high priority, but this new one has caused us a lot of concern. By “us” I mean myself and a relative of mine who will be receiving Confirmation and First Communion in March this year. We were in an exemplary RCIA program at our old parish, but here, I have heard some positively wacky stuff on several occasions. It has been enough at times to cause my relative to question his decision to be confirmed–and we often wish there was a better parish in our area, but there is only one Catholic church in my entire county and this new one is it. I am at my wits’ end and honestly don’t know what to do. I have written someone that I trust from the old parish, seeking her advice on all of this. In the meantime, it has been frustrating to say the least.

I did not just sit quietly when the things I’ve written of in this thread were stated. I did say that for the Church to change its stance on gay relationships would mean it would also have to change its stance on birth control and everything else of a remotely sexual nature–and that it would simply not happen because it is in opposition to natural law – but the subject got quickly changed after that. :confused:
I did not just sit quietly when the things I’ve written of in this thread were stated. I did say that for the Church to change its stance on gay relationships would mean it would also have to change its stance on birth control and everything else of a remotely sexual nature–and that it would simply not happen because it is in opposition to natural law – but the subject got quickly changed after that. :confused:
Good for you! The heretics usually dive for cover when confronted.

I do hope you will make an appointment with the pastor, and if necessary, alert the bishop.

Might their screen name start with ‘RE’ and end with ‘teach’???​

Hmmmm, maybe! 😉 I am sure there are many more like that particular poster too, unfortunately.
and yes katherine2, the class I wrote about a few days ago was Episcopalian, but as I indicated in that thread, we did not return to the Episcopalian thing after that. This one I am writing about today is Catholic.

It’s kind of a long story. It began earlier this year when we moved to a new parish. We used to be in a parish where fidelity to Catholic teachings was a high priority, but this new one has caused us a lot of concern. By “us” I mean myself and a relative of mine who will be receiving Confirmation and First Communion in March this year.
You certainly get around. A very busy life.
BTW, I’m not Rush Limbaugh in disguise. But maybe I should use him as a stage name. No, probably copyright laws.:whacky:
By “us” I mean myself and a relative of mine who will be receiving Confirmation and First Communion in March this year. We were in an exemplary RCIA program at our old parish, but here, I have heard some positively wacky stuff on several occasions. It has been enough at times to cause my relative to question his decision to be confirmed

How has it gone since you posted about the problem? Have you tried talking to the instructor in private, away from the class? I hope your relative has not been driven away from the Church by all this.😦
Take a tape recorder to this class. If questioned about it, just say it’s for home review and study to be sure you understand what is being taught. No teacher should object to being taped if they’re teaching the truth.

If the official doctrines of the Catholic Church are not taught, duplicate the tape and provide a copy to the pastor and one to the bishop. Make sure each knows the other received a copy.

If you don’t do something about this heresy, who will? Souls are at stake. It’s your responsibility to report it because (1) you’re aware of it, and (2) you have the ability.

Will Jesus ask you why you did nothing to stop this evil in His Church, or will He say, ‘Well done!’

To the battle stations! Full speed ahead, mate! The Holy Spirit has no hands but yours.

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