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In many places in the U. S. there is a strong movement to do away with circumcision of infants. 20 years ago 80% of infant boys were circumcised; that number is 60% today. The line of thinking states that the procedure is of no benefit. Does anyone have thoughts on this?
i just wish we would cut to the chase of this subject… :bigyikes:

sorry, i couldn’t help my self…:banghead:
I too am interested. I have a young one one the way and if it’s male, then I haven’t decided yet.

I think the Church has said that it is not necessary, but it would make him different from me which may puzzle him.

How may parents out there have had this performed?
… it would make him different from me which may puzzle him.
Umm… how would he know?
I was circ’ed as an adult while my wife was pregnant with our second child–personal choice, hygiene-related. If it grew back overnight tonight, I’d be back in the urologist’s office tomorrow to have it off again. Again–personal choice. No religious ties at all; I was a lower-case pagan at the time.

The debate on this issue seems to ebb and flow. The health and hygiene issue aside, about 30 years ago, the experts were telling everyone not to have their boys circumcised because it would unnecesarily traumatize them. There are a lot of men I know who’s parents followed this advice who wish they hadn’t, some going so far as to take the much more painful option of having it done in adulthood. Conversely, I know of no one who had it done as an infant that resents their parents or is otherwise mentally or emotionally damaged for life.
Timidity: How would they know?

When my son was being potty trained, he and my husband would have a “race” to see who “go the fastest”.

My husband is dead now, and believe it or not,those “racing” moments my son and his father shared are very precious to him.

Back to topic,I had my son circumcised and have no regrets
Conversely, I know of no one who had it done as an infant that resents their parents or is otherwise mentally or emotionally damaged for life.
Then you don’t read the news much. A year or two or so ago there was a man suing his parents for having that done to him as a child. There are men who have a sort of “reversal” done.
When my son was being potty trained, he and my husband would have a “race” to see who “go the fastest”.
Thanks for the anecdote.

The idea seems totally foreign to me. I guess I’m the other end of the “family nudity spectrum”. Not only have none of my children never seen me in less than a bathing suit, but I won’t even occupy the same public rest room as one!

Yeah, I have unresolved issues. :o
Then you don’t read the news much. A year or two or so ago there was a man suing his parents for having that done to him as a child. There are men who have a sort of “reversal” done.
A man two years ago?? I wasn’t talking about the occasional crank involved in zany lawsuits but in general and in proportion to the millions of these procedures that have been done throughout history.

I do read the news extensively, but I usually skip the News Of The Strange section. 🙂
I defiantely think it should be done for hygiene purposes. If I ever have boys, they will definately get “the chop.”
Then you don’t read the news much. A year or two or so ago there was a man suing his parents for having that done to him as a child. There are men who have a sort of “reversal” done.
a claer sign of too much time and too much money…
iam a nicu nurse an now a mother of a 4 year old. i did authorized the circuncision when he was born. but my main issue is more about health than religion. i saw so many problems that happen later in live that this procedure can as a nurse i vote in favor of.🙂
Conversely, I know of no one who had it done as an infant that resents their parents or is otherwise mentally or emotionally damaged for life.
I have read accounts written by men who had a botched circumcision which cut off more than it was supposed to, let us say. They certainly resented it.
I have three adult sons. They were all circumcised. Two of the operations were performed in the doctor’s surgery as soon as possible after their birth and my release from hospital. The third son was circumcised when he was around 4 months old and it was performed under anaesthetic. We were not happy with the job done on son number 2. He has not had any lasting consequences.

At the time the doctors in the hospital tried to talk me out of going ahead with the circumcision and they tried the “facts” routine on me. However, my mind was already made up on the issue. We live in a semi tropical environment and the risk factor for other germs and disease is extremely high.

The reasons for going against circumcision are quite inadequate but I would make an exception if the boy is known to be an haemophiliac. The dire warnings that I was given have over time proven to be false.

In the NT, St. Paul makes the case that circumcision is not required to be a Christian.

The question then comes down to a matter of preference, aside from some cases of medical necessity.

I suspect that most of the world goes without circumcision, and does just fine as far as we can tell. Does the U.N. have a FAQ page on stuff like this?
Both of my boys were circumcised. My father always said it was a health issue. I was in the Navy during Viet Nam. During “boot camp” (OK everybody consider where I was at the time) out of 60 guys in my barracks only one was not - He took an awful lot of ribbing and questioning.

I have been to a “bris” (not sure if that is the correct spelling) of a boy whose mother was a colleague of my wife. In that context, it is a covenant with the Lord. Certainly Our Lord was circumcised. I like the idea that even though it is not necessary it is a sign of a covenant with the Lord.
Both of my boys were circumcised. My father always said it was a health issue. I was in the Navy during Viet Nam. During “boot camp” (OK everybody consider where I was at the time) out of 60 guys in my barracks only one was not - He took an awful lot of ribbing and questioning.

I have been to a “bris” (not sure if that is the correct spelling) of a boy whose mother was a colleague of my wife. In that context, it is a covenant with the Lord. Certainly Our Lord was circumcised. I like the idea that even though it is not necessary it is a sign of a covenant with the Lord.
It is a sign of covenant under the old law not the new law which is the law of grace.

The issue of circumcision was decided at the first council of Jerusalem. This was an issue that related to the Gentile converts because they were not circumcised and the Judaizers were insisting that they become circumcised before belonging to the Church.

Our covenant with the Lord is therefore the covenant that we make because of our Baptism. Circumcision does not enter into the picture of salvation for Christians. For a Christian to insist upon circumcision for religious reasons is the Ebionite heresy.

On the other hand I think that there are some good health reasons for continuing with the practice of circumcision for our male children. During the 60s, 70s etc. the anti-circumcision lobby tended to gloss over these health issues and they are rarely discussed even today. I would love to see the statistics on women who have cancer of the cervix and their partner is not circumcised, and I would like to see the statistics of the percentage of men with AIDS who are/not circumcised.

This issue has been sidelined because the civil liberties people, and the hangers on have gotten a hold of it.

I should point out that a while back I read somewhere that there is an old Papal document that states outright that faithful Catholics should not be circumcized. Having said that, I should also point out that I read this on a schismic website, so I refuse to vouch for its veracity.

I found the article. It is here. As I said–from everything I can tell, this site is not loyal to the Church, so peruse at your own risk.
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