Island Oak:
I agree with you completely if the Good Guys (that’s us) only have a couple a people to send into the Clinic. Then the propects of actually disrupting the procedings inside the DEATH-FACTORY, let alone closing it down, are just about NON-EXISTENT!
However, the Catholic Worker Society, Sojourners and other similar groups that I’ve been in contact with during my life HAVE done SUCCESSFUL CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, and IT CAN BE DONE! It’s just that I’m not sure that the people here have any idea what the COST IS in terms of Criminal Record and Employment.
Because of that cost, I’d much rather look at alternatives. BEFORE COMMITTING ACTS OF CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE.
Island Oak:
The police and/or security service are always just a phone call away.
If you are really committed to reversing this trend focus your energy on education as well as ministries that provide support for women experiencing unintended or crisis pregnancies. A well-informed woman who knows she has options other than abortion might just make a better CHOICE. And when she has a friend who comes to her seeking advice because she is in a similar situation…she might counsel her friend to exercise her CHOICE and avoid an abortion…and when that child she gave birth to grows up and finds herself with an unintended pregnancy, her mother can honestly advise her of the options and how she never regretted the CHOICE that she made…and so on, and so on…
One alternative that I’ve been pusjhing is BREAKING THE FILIBUSTER of PRO-LIFE JUDICIAL NOMINEES! You wouldn’t realize how afraid the PRO-DEATH GROUPS are about the prospects of ROVE V. WADE being OVERTURNED unless you knew who was behind the PERSISTANT, RIGID & ENERGETIC FILIBUSTER of Presedent Bush’s Judicial Nominees.
Read this post, and you’ll see what I mean - I DID listen to the INTERVIEW on the air, so this is what they said!
I would like to be like you and trust the woman’s “INFORMED CHOICE”, but I’m pretty sure that we can’t. Teenagers AREN’T taught that PRE-BORN Babies are actually BABIES! They’re NOT taught that EACH Human Life HAS INTRINSIC VALUE! and, They’re NOT taught that actions have consequences!
So, how are we to counteract THIS lifetime of false teaching? and, Where you you want us to do this CORRECTIVE teaching, since you don’t want us to close the DEATH FACTORY DOWN or SUSPEND ITS OPERATIONS?
I’m not nearly as sanguine as you are, because when it comes to ABORTION, when women choose WRONGLY, INNOCENT CHILDREN DIE!
And, as Dr. Colossus states, I do have a MORAL obligation to do whatever MORAL MEANS are needed to do this.
That’s why I’m pushing the E-MAIL campaign so hard. If I can help OVERTURN ROE V. WADE, I WON’T HAVE TO GO INTO A CLINIC AND GET ARRESTED.
The Germans were able to slaughter so many Jews in WW II because so many cooperated, and so many others just refused to interfere
FYI, The Nazis slaughtered 18 Million total in the DEATH CAMPS and by other means. We’ve managed to slaughter 45 million+ so far.
Have you seen the footage of the German Cities after WW II? Have you ever wondered why the Germans were the only ones who had to fight to the BITTER END? Have you ever wondered why ONLY GERMANY was split in half?
Look at the totals, and remember that the BABIES we’re slaughtering are every bit as human as the JEWS, LATVIANS, SERBS, GYPSIES, CATHOLICS, JW’s and others the NAZIS slaughtered… Look at the German cities.
How angry do you think God is with us?
May God have mercy on us, and may He bless those who act to save His Little Ones.