Clarification: Don't think this was a Mortal Sin, but unsure?

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A few weeks ago, I needed to transfer some of my own personal files at work onto my home computer. So, I looked for my old flash drive and couldn’t find it. I ended up digging up an old flash drive we had in the office. I noticed that its contents were from 10 to 14 years ago and so, since I only need to keep information from up to 7 years back, I deleted it and put my own information on it for transfer.

Now, as an aside to all of this, my boss allows me to work on my own stuff during work hours on a slow day, and has even allowed me to use company flash drives before in the past, so none of this was unusual–the only thing that I did differently this time was delete the contents of the flash drive. I instantly felt bad about this, since even though I wasn’t required to keep any of the data for our records, I started worrying that something of value to my boss may have been in there all along and I didn’t know because I didn’t ask.

I ended up going to him and telling him that I deleted the contents of his old flash drive to transfer some of my data. He said that it was completely fine, and didn’t seem bothered by my actions at all.

So, my question is, did I sin in doing this? I feel that I may have at least committed a venial sin, in using and erasing someone else’s property without asking, but at the same time, I know that I didn’t have the intent to destroy anything of value, nor did I, and that I could reasonably maybe presume consent in this case? Or am I rationalizing my behavior and this is a mortal sin?

The reason I ask is because I just went to confession today for the first time in a month, and I forgot to bring this up with my priest. I confessed all other mortal sins to my knowledge, but I had a terrible thought today that I may be wrong and rationalizing, this may be a mortal sin, and I may have neglected to confess it. Or am I just being scrupulous and is this just a light matter or, at most, a venial sin, and I shouldn’t worry?

Help would be greatly appreciated.
He said that it was completely fine, and didn’t seem bothered by my actions at all.
There you go. Not a sin.

Are you scrupulous? If so, please do not ask questions on the internet. Speak to your priest and he will advise you.
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I have struggled with scrupulosity in the past, and generally I do speak with my confessor. But, given the current pandemic situation in my area, where it is difficult enough to arrange to meet with a priest for the sacrament of penance as it is, I figured I’d turn to this forum. That, and in light of the difficulty of securing meeting for a confession, I worried that I may have misjudged and my actions were much graver than I realized, and I’d lost an opportunity to fully receive the sacrament of penance. My apologies if I have caused any irritation or annoyance, that wasn’t my intention.
I think even if it had had important information, you still would not have sinned. You are only required to keep 7 years of backup, so deleting old things is perfectly allowed by your workplace. Additionally, you did it with no malice or otherwise bad intent, so there’s no reason it would be sin as far as I can tell.
@theodosius, No, no annoyance or irritation at all. Just saying it as much for your benefit as for other people reading.
Priests that frequent this forum have often advised the scrupulous not to post questions because it doesn’t really help them.
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So, I take it I needn’t be concerned, and certainly no mortal sin or grave matter took place?
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