What’s everyone’s favorite Classical music period and why? I like Baroque because of all the blending sounds of different instruments, I also like the harpsichord.
LOL, good one Church Militant, here’s a link for you explaining the different periods, along with famous composers from each period: classical.net/music/rep/top.htmlI really have no idea…maybe , as the song says, “The man ain’t got no culture.” but I just know that I will listen to a piece that I like the sound of and turn the rest off
I love Handel’s Sacred Oratorios, especially Israel in Egypt. I’m listening to Vivaldi right now and I’m drinking a beer, how weird is that? Mozart is also good, I like his Requiem Mass music. I find Mozart is good for relaxing, but Baroque, especially Bach is good for concentration.I too am a baroque fan. I love the spiritual high of a good Bach Mass.