Clergy Scandal- now a tv movie!

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Movie About Clergy Abuse Scandal To Air Next Month

POSTED: 8:58 am CDT April 27, 2005

**BOSTON – **The Roman Catholic Church’s molestation scandals will move to cable television in a dramatic adaptation airing next month on Showtime.

“Our Fathers” stars Ted Danson as attorney Mitchell Garabedian, who represented scores of victims who were molested by priests.

The film takes some liberties with the truth. The real Garabedian says the movie is “much more accurate at some times than at others.”

Christopher Plummer portrays Cardinal Bernard Law, who resigned in disgrace after church documents revealed that he and other leaders had shuffled pedophile priests from parish to parish while keeping their crimes secret.

The Archdiocese of Boston has paid out nearly $100 million in settlements with more than 600 victims.

i really feel the worst thing we can do here is to give it any press at all…

if you make a lot of noise about it, all you do is drive up ticket sales…

let it die on the vine…

Just my opinion…
Sam Malone…what happened to you?

We would never have seen this out of Cliff.
I’m glad I don’t pay for such “premium” programming. 😉
I guess this was inevitable. The anti-catholic train has left the station and keeps on chugging. Pretty soon we will all be huddled back into “house churches” like the first Christians. 😦
It isn’t suprising that Ted Danson is involved in something like this. He is certainly no supporter of christianity This is just more piling on from our “friends” in the MSM…

Partial transcript of an interview with Ted:

We are truly all in this together, which is a spiritual thought. It isn’t us against them. It has nothing to do with politics or philosophy or religion, it is these laws of nature, these laws of life, of which we are a part. We are so arrogant, we forget that we are not the reason for evolution, we are not the point of evolution. We are part of evolution. Unfortunately, we believe that we’ve been created to dominate the planet, to dominate nature. Ain’t true.

Here is the rest of the excerpt:
if priests by the thousands had not committed these heinous offenses and if their bishops had treated the priest pastorally by insisting they confront and deal honestly with their sins and disorders, and by putting the welfare of victims and potential victims first, instead of reacting like politicians doing damage control, the media would have no ammunition to use against the Church. I might add that if some parents had not accepted financial settlements as bribes to prevent them from reporting these cases to law enforcement, thereby in effect pimping their own children, these offenders would have left a trail more easily followed.
Exactly. Am I happy this movie is being made? Nope. But regardless if someone acting or producing it is anti this or anti that…the ammo wouldnt be there if this scandal werent so big. Do I agree with New Ager Ted Danson? Nope…but I also aint about to shift blame on him or others for making a movie either…its not their fault. They are reflecting what goes on in the world. “Art immitating Life”
Exactly. Am I happy this movie is being made? Nope. But regardless if someone acting or producing it is anti this or anti that…the ammo wouldnt be there if this scandal werent so big. Do I agree with New Ager Ted Danson? Nope…but I also aint about to shift blame on him or others for making a movie either…its not their fault. They are reflecting what goes on in the world. “Art immitating Life”
Although the sad thing is that people will believe it’s a documentary and therefore true. Look at all the people who swallowed the DaVinci Code? I mean REALLY! Or those who thought Michael Moore’s movie was God’s truth? This movie can inform or it can prejudice and I suspect the latter. If it’s based on the book by the same name, the focus of that story was to demonize Cardinal Law.

Lisa N
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