While watching a Father Corapi video he said something that really got me thinking about life and child rearing. He said something to the affect that with the procreative act of love through sex we become co-creators with God, and not just co-creators of mortal lives but co-creators of immortal souls. We are creating everlasting souls in our children.
When I heard this it floored me I never really thought of bringing a child into this world as working with God to create an immortal soul. A soul that we are duty bound to raise in the true faith.
With this view it makes me fearful that if I do something wrong or indirectly steer my children in the wrong direction they may not share in the eternal life with God.
Anyone else ever think about this?
When I heard this it floored me I never really thought of bringing a child into this world as working with God to create an immortal soul. A soul that we are duty bound to raise in the true faith.
With this view it makes me fearful that if I do something wrong or indirectly steer my children in the wrong direction they may not share in the eternal life with God.
Anyone else ever think about this?