- – and the media and the cloning crowd are trying keep it quiet !*
Michael Fumento has an excellent article treating the breakthrough research on amniotic fluid stem cells by Anthony Atala reported, correction, “downplayed” last month. Fumento also touches on the work of Catherine Verfaillie with multipotent adult progenitor cells isolated from bone marrow. It seems not a few advocates for embryonic stem cell research and cloning were choked up by these advances what with all the sour grapes in their mouths.
fumento.com/biotech/stemcell2007.htmlNeither Minger nor Newsweek nor Wade could be more wrong. As Atala told PBS’s Online NewsHour, “We have been able to drive the cell to what we call all three germ layers,** which basically means all three major classes of tissues available in the body**, from which all cells come from.” I pointed out in a response to the New York Times posting that merely reading the online abstract of the Atala paper indicated the same. Of course, this is the same paper that told readers in 2004 that there were no cures or treatments with adult stem cells. Not 70 cures or treatments, some dating back half a century – none.
It is neither paranoia nor exaggeration to say that the New York Times is engaged in a stem-cell cover-up.
What makes all of this worse is that Atala’s work actually is a replication of numerous studies. He’s just taken the research further and pulled his cells from amniotic fluid, whereas others have pulled the identical cells from the placenta. Amniotic and placenta stem cells are the same, as Atala himself noted. And as to human trials being “many years away,” *Newsweek *is correct only if “years away” means “years ago.” The New England Journal of Medicine carried one paper on a placenta stem cell trial back in 1996 and another paper two years later. There’s been one ongoing clinical trial since 2001 to treat sickle cell anemia…