Cofused (Pease Help)

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My cousin and I are both diffrent religion. I watch a show called Charmed on tv and my cousins says that show is witch craft, but I don’t beileve in such thing. My cousins always make fun of me and it makes me feel bad and i don’t think they know that. Should i stop watching the show / Keep on watching the show and go with the flow / or tell My cousins how i feel. Please help me.
Ok, I am assuming from your line “of different religion” that you both are not Catholic?!

In any case, yes the show is about witchcraft. Just as Buffy and Angel are about Vampires, Nether world demons, etc. You can look at it in two ways, it’s fiction or are you enabling this evil to continue.

First, Fiction! Yes, this can be watched for the enjoyment factor, watching the way the sisters bond, yadda yadda yadda. As long as you find it to be fiction like reading a Stephen King novel. The problem would arise on if you started to believe in this over God. By using witchcraft, you could be telling God you think you are a god, can control things around you, and then you find yourself in a mess of trouble with nearly all the seven deadly sins.

Second, enabling the evil to go on. There is a strong showing in our society that if you become exposed to something long enough, it becomes normal. For example look at television. Fifty years ago June Cleaver slept in a twin bed without her husband, now you have to look hard for a tv show that does not show pre-marital sex or illicit behavior. Now Hollywood wants your dollars, so they are putting stuff out that they think you want to see, it is up to us to let them know we do not want to see a good portion of what they are producing.

One of the threads in the “Ask An Appologist” forum had a question on “Should I not watch horror show/films”. Look for that one for more details, it might be a few pages back!

Good Luck and pray about it. God wants to speak to you if you want to listen.
So does it mean that i could watch the show without believing in it. its just a show to me just like how cartoons is animation its not real. I watch the show just because, and i don’t watch it to believe it. There is no other God than God to me. and i just wanted to know if i could watch Charmed. Well thank you for the help i decide that i will just not watch it all the time i watch it every sunday so i guess i will stop.
So does it mean that i could watch the show without believing in it. its just a show to me just like how cartoons is animation its not real. I watch the show just because, and i don’t watch it to believe it. There is no other God than God to me. and i just wanted to know if i could watch Charmed. Well thank you for the help i decide that i will just not watch it all the time i watch it every sunday so i guess i will stop.
I used to read horoscopes for fun, without believing in them, more for a laugh at how wrong they are.

I stopped when I thought my children might copy me and believe they were valid.

Our local theatre put on a Variety Show a few years ago and a friend was worried about a skit on Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” because they dressed as zombies etc. She was a non-Catholic Christian.

I told her that I was more concerned with the skit doing “I’m a Barbie Girl” because of the provocative clothing and geatures they were using.

My teenage daughters love Charmed and I don’t see the harm because, like you, they know that stuff is just fiction.
Dear C-Dell–I see you are 13 years old. My advice is quit watching the show and do your homework. And when you are done with your homework, read a good book! TV is mostly garbage, and surely this show is not educational. You are better off going to the public library and having a librarian suggest appropriate books. Talk to your cousin about good books and you’ll both be smarter for it!
I was hooked on similar shows like “Angel” and “Buffy” - purely for the entertainment. Like the other posters said, enjoy as long as you don’t believe it. Oh, and don’t forget to do your homework! :cool:
I’m not going to panic over the show “Charmed” I have even watched it a few times, but I was eventually really turned off by it. They once had their version of a “christening” of the baby and I found it to be offensive. I forget the details but it was disturbing to me. I also disliked that one of the girls is married to a demon who is sometimes good or something… again, it annoyed me so I had to turn it off. I would look for something else to watch if I were you, but if you want to watch it, that’s your choice.

If you are interested in the supernatural, you are in the right Church. A life with God *is *supernatural. I used to be fascinated by these unGodly things until I realized that by seeking them, I was wasting time that I could be seeking God. The problem with witchcraft, etc. is that it is an attempt to control the supernatural world without God, or even to control God.

Read the amazing stories of the saints. You will find those stories far surpass anything you can find in a fake show about witches, or Harry Potter or Ghost hunter type shows, and it is even more amazing to know that you are also called to be a saint, with whatever gifts and talents God has blessed you with.
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