---Coincidence, Synchroncity, Hand of God? 'Weird Coincidence' today

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I had another one of those weird coincidences happen today. A friend of mine’s 12 yr old dog has been ailing. She had asked me to dog sit over part of the Christmas Holiday in fact, for part of her 2 1/2 weeks off while she went back with her daughter to Indiana. I said I couldn’t because I thought it would be too much over Christmas, with my own family, my two dogs, etc, plus her dog isn’t as well behaved as mine.

Anyways, I got an email from her Saturday saying that they had gotten back last Tues, that she wanted to touch base, but that she was screening her calls because her dog was worse and she was very depressed about her dog. I left a message on her machine, and I also saw her at the 4-H meeting Monday night but didn’t get a chance to talk.

Well, this morning at 10 AM there we were taking my two dogs to a rare vet appointment for shots, when a tall woman came in and said that she was here with Begonia, but ‘they’ didn’t want to come in, and that the dog needed to be carried in on a stretcher. My ears perked up, of course, since the name Begonia is not exactly ordinary. I looked out the window and there was my friend’s car. I went out, and they were saying good-bye to the dog, so I left them their privacy. Then after the dog got carried in (My dogs recognized her from taking walks with her). I went out again and comforted my friend and her daughter, then went in with my daughters who were holding my dogs. We waited, when the friend came out without Begonia, who had been put to sleep.

It certainly was a strange coincidence that I would be there exactly at that moment. I told my friend “I guess God wanted me to be here”. But, I’m not sure if that is how it works or not. What do you guys think? If it was God, then what would the meaning of it be?
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