Although you are having difficulty maybe the idea of “bloom where you are planted” may help. God may or will be using you as His priest in the future, but as you know He gives us just enough grace for the present. You aren’t in the seminary yet, but God probably needs your witness right where you are, so maybe you can pray for patience and a glimpse of understanding of how God needs you there now.
Also God may be using this experience of yours to teach you to empathize with others and give you wisdom; especially for after becoming a priest.
For example, to understand the man or woman “trapped” in the job they dislike because they must feed their family. Children that are in church because of parents but they don’t want to be there. There are so many example.
Maybe you feel you don’t “fit” in the university with the other students that have very different goals for their lives than you? Certainly this can be a valuable experience too.
You don’t say what is your major, but maybe you could take an extra class outside your major like…comparative religion or public speaking that would clearly be valuable to you in the seminary & the priesthood.
God bless you!