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I’m starting college as a freshman this fall, and I’m way excited about it, but nervous, too.

So I’m asking for tips on keeping the faith strong as a college student. There’s a Catholic church nearby, so I can still go to Mass, and I’m rooming with a really sweet Catholic girl on an all-girls floor. But this is my first non-Catholic-school expierience, and I’m not really sure how to stand on issues like drinking or whatever.

Also, what’s considered modest dress for teenage girls these days? I’ve never been comfortable in the miniskirts and tank tops my friends wear. I mean, I want to look pretty, but still modest too, y’know?

Thanks so much!!! 😃
and I’m not really sure how to stand on issues like drinking or whatever.
Be smart. Don’t drink your entire freshman year. See how the people in the alcohal culture live it out, and then decide for yourself whether you want to partake in it to any degree.

I personally think all the people drinking at college are a bunch of idiots. (I just graduated this last year.)
Also, what’s considered modest dress for teenage girls these days? I’ve never been comfortable in the miniskirts and tank tops my friends wear. I mean, I want to look pretty, but still modest too, y’know?
Good question! As a guy, as long as the traditional rules were followed, I wasn’t bothered. You know, shorts longer then your fingertips at your sides. Its actually pretty accurate. Also, don’t wear anything that shows any amount of cleavage. That also includes when you’re leaning over, etc. Other then that, you’ll be fine. Oh, and don’t wear anything skin-tight either.
So I’m asking for tips on keeping the faith strong as a college student.
KNOW YOUR FAITH! Its going to be questioned, by others, and by you. People are going to make all kinds of claims about what you believe, including yourself. No what the church really teaches, and why it teaches it. Hold to the truth, and the rest sets itself in place. Don’t become discouraged.

shrugs that’s what worked for me.
don’t drink until you are 21, that’s the law and as a faithful catholic we should obey the law. that being said, don’t close yourself off to others because of fear, but also know your faith. get involved with a catholic organization (does your campus have a newman (sp?) club?). seek out other catholics (and Christians) to be with, then the other temptations won’t be as difficult.
Check to see if the college has a Newman Club (Catholic organization for college kids). If so, get involved and meet other great Catholics. If not, see what it would take to get one started.
My son lost what faith he had at college. You are right to worry, many college professors are highly educated, intelligent people who are anti-Christian, and as for Catholicism, that went out with the Middle Ages!
You need to read the Bible, the early Church Fathers, and continue going to mass every weekend and praying daily.This Catholic Answers site is a great resource. Your faith will be shaken at times, but remember there is always an answer, even to apparently unanswerable arguments. It’s not for nothing that thousands have died for our faith over the centuries.
In response to modesty, clothes that are tight, show cleavage, and are revealing are not wise to wear. They objectify you as a woman and can cause the opposite to be led into sin. Do not worry about whether or not men will find you attractive based on the clothing you wear. The right man will love you as you are.

See if there’s a women’s house of Opus Dei near your campus.

Be cautious of Newman Clubs. Some are great; some are way off the edge of the earth.

Wardrobe? I’m “old” so ignore me. But I would advise LL Bean or Lands End wrinkle-resistant khakis and polo shirts (short sleeves for warm weather, long sleeves for cold weather) and crew neck sweaters. No ironing. And that classic look never gets old.

Sitting in the first row and wearing glasses will almost guarantee you a half grade higher than sitting in the back.
There’s a book by J. Budziszewski entitled *How to Stay Christian in College. *At least I think that’s the title. I can’t seem to find my copy at the moment.

Anyway, from what I remember reading, he teaches you how to spot anti-Christianity (even when it’s subtle) and moral relativism.

It is available at places like
Remember that what’s modest on campus may not exactly be modest in reality. The LL Bean/ Land’s End idea is pretty good. I WOULD worry about whether or not you looked feminine, but modest, because there might be an element on your compus that favors female homosexuality. While not all lesbians dress in a masculine fashion, there are some who do, and for them, it is a badge of honor.

If you think you’re being exposed to something less than True in class, check it out here or some other trusted site. Or call home and ask Mom and Dad!

The don’t drink is a really good idea, at least for your first year.

And Catholic or non-Catholic college, you are there to get an education. All the extra-curriculars are SECONDARY to your classes and good grades. You sound as if you are a sensible girl, and I’m sure you must realize this. I’m old, as well, so it’s just my favorite thing to mention when young ones go off to college.
I can’t comment too much on the clothes, being a guy myself. However during the time when my wife and I were dating, she never wore anything too revealing, and it was actually much more attractive to me. She wore capri-pants, sandals, tank-top, etc. Casual, but still attractive.

Drinking? Stay away from it, and especially stay away from the parties. The guys will literally do anything, say anything just to get you in bed.

The worse thing you should be afraid of, and be planning for? The professors. I would say 90% of my professors were humanist liberals who took great joy in badgering outspoken christians whether in open classroom discussion, or forcing you to take their sides ( starting a debate on abortion, where the only rule is, you can’t use religion as an excuse) They will test your faith at every opportunity. Try sitting through a “Life in the Cosmos” class, where the teacher is a lesbian feminist humanist who’s whole agenda for the semester was trying to convince the class that a child will grow up perfectly normal with two gay parents and you’ll see what I mean.
Thank you all so much for your replies! This forum rocks.

I seriously appreciate the support I’ve found here, and the wonderful advice- especially since this is so not something I could go to my family about. My parents are Catholic, but of the cafeteria variety- my dad goes to Mass every week, but “disagrees” with the church about a lot of stuff, and my mom hasn’t been to Mass in years-, and extremely liberal- they think I’m way too “conservative” as it is. Like my mom doesn’t get why I am rather reluctant to wear the tiny tops she buys me out of the house. :rolleyes: As for my older sister- let’s not go there. She’s decided within the past few years that she is a bisexual practicing Wiccan, and does not see why I have a problem with this, and therefore calls me a “straightlaced Catholic conservative” all the time. Whatever. Like that’s even an insult?

I have no idea why I’m talking about all this, except that you all are wondeful to talk to. So thanks for listening, everybody!
A few good rules of thumb for:

Modest Dress:

Would Mary wear the outfit you want to wear? 😉

Would you want your future spouse to be in the same room watching whatever you are doing on a date? Would it offend him, or would he be proud?

Practicing faith:
Got to daily Mass if possible.
Wear your scapular.
Use holy water often.
Go to frequent confession to stay in the state of grace.

The truth of the matter is that there is a ton of peer pressure at college. And, in my own experience, there are actually people who will ACTIVELY try and lure you from your faith. Ask St. Michael to guard you.

Always trust in the Lord and be joyful. You are in college to learn and that is the best way to pursue your vocation-study! Don’t let extracurricular activities sway you from your educational vocation.

Some of us learned the hard way… :whistle:

College is a wonderful time to learn new things while preparing you for your adult life. Have fun and always check and recheck your priorities.

Good luck-we will be praying for you!
Thank you all so much for your replies! This forum rocks.

I seriously appreciate the support I’ve found here, and the wonderful advice- especially since this is so not something I could go to my family about. My parents are Catholic, but of the cafeteria variety- my dad goes to Mass every week, but “disagrees” with the church about a lot of stuff, and my mom hasn’t been to Mass in years-, and extremely liberal- they think I’m way too “conservative” as it is. Like my mom doesn’t get why I am rather reluctant to wear the tiny tops she buys me out of the house. :rolleyes: As for my older sister- let’s not go there. She’s decided within the past few years that she is a bisexual practicing Wiccan, and does not see why I have a problem with this, and therefore calls me a “straightlaced Catholic conservative” all the time. Whatever. Like that’s even an insult?

I have no idea why I’m talking about all this, except that you all are wondeful to talk to. So thanks for listening, everybody!
What a beautiful gift of faith the Lord has given you!
Isn’t it funny that your family has swayed from tradition but the Lord has allowed you to be a pillar? Be strong and with the help of God I am certain you will lead them back.

I lost my faith in college for a while but got it back even stronger after much prayer and researching the Truth! Sadly many of my “friends” completely left the church.

Keep up the positive spirit! You are a beacon of light to those who are temporarily in dark places.

One more thing. While you are at college, look up where there is an authentic Catholic Bookshop. You know, the kind that will sell “The Summa Theologia” not “So you want to be a recovering Catholic”. 😉 First of all, it may be a great place to get a part time job. Secondly they will have so many books to help fill your soul while you are at school.
Blessings to you!
One more thing. While you are at college, look up where there is an authentic Catholic Bookshop. You know, the kind that will sell “The Summa Theologia” not “So you want to be a recovering Catholic”. 😉 First of all, it may be a great place to get a part time job. Secondly they will have so many books to help fill your soul while you are at school.
Blessings to you!
Heh, heh, heh. And spend all your money taking advantage of the employee discount! Careful. A good Catholic bookstore can be a proximal occasion of sin!
As for my older sister- let’s not go there. She’s decided within the past few years that she is a bisexual practicing Wiccan, and does not see why I have a problem with this, and therefore calls me a “straightlaced Catholic conservative” all the time. Whatever. Like that’s even an insult?
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

On a more practical note- try to focus on required courses (speech- english lit- world civ.- etc) especially your 1st year, while your still settling in to your major (especially if you switch schools/majors). It will help tremendously in avoiding a 5th yr of school!

God Bless!
Life as a college student is a wonderful experience. Do enjoy it!

Be yourself.

Professors will explain when and why religion cannot be used as the basis for supporting a thesis. Usually because you’d have to convince the audience that God exists. Some do get Catholics mixed up with other Christian denominations.

Re: keeping the faith strong as a college student
Your faith will be tested in class discussions. People assume most Catholics are Cafeteria Catholics.

It is great that you already made an effort to look for one.
Chee…even at Catholic college people were still drinking. Of course, it was a more liberal Catholic school so the rules weren’t enforced as they should have been.

There were a lot of parties and I had been invited to a couple of them. I refused to go. Frankly I preferred staying up all night chatting with my friends and watching a film with a bag of popcorn. Unfortunately, heh heh that popcorn and candy caught up with me after awhile (so be careful for the freshmen 15 as well…I thought I would go through alright but noooo…).

Because of my gained weight I never wore revealing clothes. Usually jeans and a v-neck, long sleeved shirt. I don’t wear revealing clothes even now after losing that weight. I mean, I wear a jean skirt (non mini) and a boatneck but it isn’t revealing at all.

I hope you have fun at college though. Just stay true to yourself. This is the time in your life when you discover who you really are. Make sure the best of you comes out. 🙂 I am sure it will. I made a few mistakes I’ll admit but I am proud of my accomplishments and learned from my failures.

Good luck!
College can be alot of fun. Don’t worry too much. Many people are open to other’s idea’s, some are not and you will learn who those people are quickly enough. These are the people you want to avoid.

As for dress, you’ll find that with socializing, lectures, and homework will take up enough time that you won’t worry about how you look at all. Many times I’ve shown up to my 8 o’clock classes in flannel pj pants and a sweater, no makeup, hair tied back and definetely not styled. On the other hand, the first few weeks you may want to dress up or whatever, I suggest what other’s have already said. Dress modestly. You can often go into the trendier stores in malls where they sell immodest clothes, go right to the clearence racks. More often then not, people tend to disregard the modest clothes and so they go on sale really cheap so not only do you have the name brands, you have the modesty and good quality. I do this all the time.

Continue going to mass. Sometimes daily mass will conflict with classes but they often give you a few days in your schedule to sleep in. Use this time to go to mass. I can’t stress how important this is as I have yet to do so because I never made it a habit. MAKE IT A HABIT.

As for the drinking. Been there done that. It sucks. You don’t have to do it to figure it out. Just look at the people around you with the constant hangovers, failing grades and not enough time to study because the parties. They are the ones who fail. But should you have to try it to learn, wait until you are 21. Getting caught drinking (especially if you are living on-campus) may equal an expulsion. It’s not worth it. Trust me, your first hangover/puking your guts out is enough to make you hate alcohol. It’s not fun at all.

Now everything I outlined above (plus doing some drugs and spending way too much money on stupid things like fastfood and trendy clothes) is what I did my first year of college. I barely passed last semester because I got caught up in the so-called college experience. Cleaned up and $10000 in debt later, I have learned my lesson and will be concentrating on the real reason why I am there…to better my future through education. DON’T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID!!!

Hope this helped!!
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