“March” is Women’s History Month and again it opens the door for Planned Parenthood. In this area, there is another FREE EC Day.
Catholic University Presents “Sex-Tac-Toe” in Addition to Job Offers at Planned Parenthood
By John-Henry Westen
DETROIT, February 28, 2007 (
LifeSiteNews.com) - The Catholic University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) held an event for student Monday called “Sexapalooza”. The University which
LifeSiteNews.com pointed out last week is directing its students to employment opportunities at the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, invited all students to join in “the 2nd annual Sexapalooza” billing it as “a free festival promoting abstinence and safe sex.”…
The Cardinal Newman Society notes that UDM is to present the pro-lesbian vulgar play the Vagina Monologues which is banned at most Catholic colleges.
To express concerns to the Catholic leadership in the diocese:
Cardinal Adam Maida
c/o Denise Parish
Bishop John Quinn
c/o - 313-237-5783
To the University of Detroit Mercy:
Gerard L. Stockhausen, S.J., President
4001 W. McNichols Rd., P.O. Box 19900, Detroit, MI 48219
Phone: (313) 993-1455