I live in Sioux Falls, home to South Dakota’s one and only abortion mill. I don’t agree with Ellen Goodman’s assessment that it is difficult for women in SD to get an abortion. A few years ago, Planned Parenthood purchased a building directly across the street from the largest high school in Sioux Falls (2,000+ students). So, some teenage girls don’t even have to get in their cars when they leave school and go to have an abortion.
On January 4, 2006 Planned Parenthood gave away Plan B pills, absolutely free, to anyone that walked in the door requesting it. The patient wasn’t even required to see a physician. This was a gimmick created by Kate Looby, PP director, to raise awareness before the SD Legislative session began.
Also, the PP crowd is hot on the trail of pushing “comprehensive sex ed.” into the public schools. The Sioux Falls Public Schools, the largest district in the state, has been embroiled in controversy since October, 2005 over their absolutely ridiculous decision to purchase curriculum materials from ETR Associates, once the teaching arm of PP of Santa Cruz. The use of the materials was put on hold until a committee looks at more options, but the issue hasn’t gone away. See
www.indecentproposal.blogspot.com .
I don’t know the statistics regarding lower rates of unplanned pregnancy and STD’s, but if they truely are lower, it has not come about without constant battles. Bishop Robert Carlson was a wonderful pro-life leader for us, but he moved to the Saginaw Diocese about a year ago. Luckily, we have many pro-life legislators who are constantly battling the culture of death. Also, the Diocese has organized a Life Chain Link, in which we try to have a daily presence of prayer at the abortion mill. This has been going on for a couple of years. Also, a couple of parishes have Operation Rosary going on, so every single day of the year there are local people and families praying for the closure of the abortion mill.
Goodman’s article cited the difficulty in finding local physicians to provide abortions. I believe that is only because this is such a small community, and the physicians wouldn’t have anonimity. I found out last fall that the doctor that delivered my kids was quoted in the local paper a few years ago as saying that he would perform abortions if there weren’t such a stigma attached. I never went back to him.