Comedian vs. Humble Security Guard/Would you be so bold?

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A popular comedian performed at a college in Rochester, NY. Tickets cost $30…
While on stage, The popular comedian was telling jokes that were downright anti-Christian. The campus security guard who was stationed near the stage was angry :mad: . The angered security guard ripped his badge off and threw it on stage and shouted "Jesus is the way the truth and the life!"

This was not part of the act.

I hope this incident gave some people something to think about.

Would you be as bold as this security guard?
This sounds a bit like those urban legends that get passed around the Internet from “a friend of a friend.”
Thanks for the vote of confidence bud.
My kid is taking a nap right now after a late night out. When she wakes up I will ask her to login and weigh in on what she saw. Don’t expect much more than what I shared…well you will get the name of the popular comedian.
Now someone should contact the security guard and urge him to sue the university for “creating a hostile work environment” and violating his First Amendment rights.
My old sensi had a comedy club that I went to a few times. The first act was always great. The second act had vulgarities and using the Lord’s name in vain. EVERY time I got up and walked out. Don’t know if I could do what the security guard did, but kudos to him!!!

And Vern’s idea is great!
A popular comedian performed at a college in Rochester, NY. Tickets cost $30…
While on stage, The popular comedian was telling jokes that were downright anti-Christian. The campus security guard who was stationed near the stage was angry :mad: . The angered security guard ripped his badge off and threw it on stage and shouted "Jesus is the way the truth and the life!"

This was not part of the act.

I hope this incident gave some people something to think about.

Would you be as bold as this security guard?
Hey- this happened. It was comedian Jon Stewart…guess you have to be careful who you idolize.
Good for him. He gave in to anger, of course, but it was for a good reason. I know I couldn’t have done anything like that, even if it was for Our Blessed Lord. Oh well. =l

Perhaps I should work to actively defend the faith with greater zeal, yes? Never a bad thing to work on!
Sounds like the guard had stong feelings on the subject. Good for him for voicing his opinion, but thats exactly it we ALL have a right to our own opinion and we ALL have the right to voice it. Now while I say good for the guard, the comedian also has his rights. We all have to deal with the consequences of our actions.
Reminds me of a story I heard about a comedian, I believe it was Lenny Bruce. He was in a club, telling scandalous jokes (as usual) that including several mocking Christians and Christ Jesus. After the show, a few burly men approached him and threateningly told him they didn’t appreciate people making fun of their religion and God.

“Well,” said the comedian,“are you gentlemen Christians?”

“Hell, yeah!”

“Then,” said the comedian,“forgive me.”

– Mark L. Chance.
Anna's Mom:
Sounds like the guard had stong feelings on the subject. Good for him for voicing his opinion, but thats exactly it we ALL have a right to our own opinion and we ALL have the right to voice it. Now while I say good for the guard, the comedian also has his rights. We all have to deal with the consequences of our actions.
There is a difference between voicing your opinion and mocking the faith. Its a shame that you dont see the difference. I for one am proud that Christ still has some people on earth that are not afraid to proclaim their “opinion”.
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