Commandment #3 in Song Lyrics

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Hello faithful,

I’ve got a question that I’m working to understand, and I can’t tell if I’m being overly scrupulous. I understand where the line is as far as the third commandment with things like saying “gd” or “omg.” However, I was singing along to a Hank Williams song the other day and the lyric that goes “Lord, I guess I went and broke…”, and I sang the full song and wondered if by saying the “Lord” part if I’d taken His name in vain? What about other song lyrics that say “oh, my God”? Is the repeating of a lyric breaking the third commandment? Typically, I just skip the Lord/God part just to cover my bases, but I was really into that Hank song and it slipped my mind. Any guidance would be appreciated!
You’re being scrupulous/overthinking this. If you ever stop to think “am I being scrupulous here?” you probably are.
In that specific song it is a lament. You can also find laments in scripture.
No, but maybe turn off the radio for the duration when a sexually explicit or blasphemous song comes on.
What are you talking about? Calm down man.
No one judged you. You say that you are scrupulous, so you need talk to your priest. And if your music is doubtful and you are concerned then change it and listen something else.
You wanted opinions, didn’t you? And you doubt is it okay or not, so change it.
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