I wrote a long post on this in another thread on this forum.
And I stand by my statements on this thread too.
There needs to be intervention (non shaming, non punitive) starting at a very early age, K through 3rd grade, to find the atypical kids, the oddballs, the kids who aren’t being invited to the play dates and birthday parties, the kids who sit alone and play alone on the playground.
You identify the kids who need help.
You figure out the help they need (it often comes down to social skills–they don’t take turns, they eat their boogers, what have you).
You give them the help they need, such as social skills and conflict resolution, and learning to deal with anger and sadness in ways that don’t hurt you or anybody else.
You also reach out to the popular and adjusted kids. Teach them to invite the isolated kids into their playground games, and conflict resolution. You teach them not to sneer, mock and isolate.
There has to be real and uncomfortable consequences for cruelty.
(Continue on next post)