Commentary: "Imagine A World Without Abortion Stigma"

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There’s a recent open-access issue of the journal “Women & Health” in which Kate Cockrill of the Sea Change Program in Oakland, CA penned the commentary, “Imagine a World Without Abortion Stigma.” I’m pasting the first paragraph below, and suggesting that you read the article online. This article could be viewed as the next generation aims of the pro-abortion movement, and it’s useful for Catholics to understand this one perspective on what kind of future “the other side” envisions: not “a world without abortion,” but “a world without abortion stigma.”
Imagine a world without abortion stigma. What does it look like? Early on, gay rights activists identified “pride” as the opposite of sexual stigma. Fat activists and health experts have argued for “fat positivity” and “health at every size” to combat stigma and bias for those who are overweight. Are these terms “positivity,” “pride,” and “neutrality” relevant to a world without abortion stigma? If not, what terms are? Some recognizable slogans in the abortion rights movement express possible visions, such as “abortion,
on demand, without apology” or “abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.” However, many feel that the phrase “abortion, on demand, without apology” is too strident and leaves little room for complexity, while “abortion should be safe, legal, and rare,” comes across as both apologetic and judgmental. Recently, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, a visible abortion service provider and advocacy group, has publicly distanced themselves from the term “pro-choice” and started a campaign called “not in her shoes.” This campaign asks us to visualize both women who have abortions and their circumstances
and is a big step in moving forward a culture of non-judgment around abortion decisions. But is tolerance the best we can do?
Continued at this link

The Sea Change Program itself is all about de-stigmatizing abortion.
There’s a recent open-access issue of the journal “Women & Health” in which Kate Cockrill of the Sea Change Program in Oakland, CA penned the commentary, “Imagine a World Without Abortion Stigma.” I’m pasting the first paragraph below, and suggesting that you read the article online. This article could be viewed as the next generation aims of the pro-abortion movement, and it’s useful for Catholics to understand this one perspective on what kind of future “the other side” envisions: not “a world without abortion,” but “a world without abortion stigma.”

Continued at this link

The Sea Change Program itself is all about de-stigmatizing abortion.
A variant on “no stigams at all.” No guilt, no shame and above all, a degenerate deception and denial of reality. Once the sperm and egg unite, a unique human being is created. Fact.

This is a variant on psychological warfare practices and the goal of social fragmentation. Turning abortion into “I got an abortion, so what?” is continuing on the road to man is god. Beyond any judgment by anyone, including God.

Thanks for pointing this out.

“Sea Change Program,” a meaningless phrase that sounds precisely like labels used by the Military. It will change nothing.

Pathetic people prattling pathetic proposals.

Seriously, what is wrong with people. HOW have people blinded themselves to such an obvious reality? Egg + Sperm = human. You were there, I was there, LITERALLY every human being that has -EVER- existed (with 3 notable exceptions) has been at that stage of development. How have they convinced themselves that somehow being at that stage makes you not alive, or unimportant, or worthless…

Our culture’s blinders are frightening.
Semantics rule the day…
You can try to rephrase the evil of abortion any way you want.It still doesn’t change the fact that the harm done not only to the nascent human life but to that of the mother and all ensnared by the evil tentacles of abortion will continue.
Abortion is counterintuitive to a woman’s nature,changing the phraseology wont’t change that fact.
Let’s renew the culture. Let’s remind our neighbor. Life is life.

They want to be God but not believe in Him. These soulless creatures are inhuman. They are arrogant pigs who believe their own lies.
There’s a recent open-access issue of the journal “Women & Health” in which Kate Cockrill of the Sea Change Program in Oakland, CA penned the commentary, “Imagine a World Without Abortion Stigma.” I’m pasting the first paragraph below, and suggesting that you read the article online. This article could be viewed as the next generation aims of the pro-abortion movement, and it’s useful for Catholics to understand this one perspective on what kind of future “the other side” envisions: not “a world without abortion,” but “a world without abortion stigma.”

Continued at this link

The Sea Change Program itself is all about de-stigmatizing abortion.
I didn’t know there was a stigma. Abortion is a private matter, and private matters are not generally shared with others.
I didn’t know there was a stigma. Abortion is a private matter, and private matters are not generally shared with others.
Perhaps the stigma is the shame and guilt a postabortive woman carries in her heart and in her soul.Many women suffer in silence too ashamed to open up about their pain. 😦
Perhaps the stigma is the shame and guilt a postabortive woman carries in her heart and in her soul.Many women suffer in silence too ashamed to open up about their pain. 😦
As violently against this legalized murder as I am, I sympathize with these suffering women. What is awful is when some women (and I’ve seen this, but not often at all) are actually just laughing about it, like they went in to get their hair cut. I’ve heard of some who joke with the abortionist, and one abortionist told a nurse or possibly the mother, “This one is ready for kindergarten,” because he or she was an older fetus, just before he killed it. Sick, sick, sick.
Here are some other commentaries for the author to write:

“Imagine A World Without Murder Stigma”

“Imagine A World Without Genocide Stigma”

“Imagine A World Without Slavery Stigma”
As violently against this legalized murder as I am, I sympathize with these suffering women. What is awful is when some women (and I’ve seen this, but not often at all) are actually just laughing about it, like they went in to get their hair cut. I’ve heard of some who joke with the abortionist, and one abortionist told a nurse or possibly the mother, “This one is ready for kindergarten,” because he or she was an older fetus, just before he killed it. Sick, sick, sick.
I can’t help but think that any post abortive woman who laughs at her decision and makes light of it,must still be in a state of denial. I pray daily for all men and women who have succumbed to this evil,that they find God’s mercy and forgiveness.
All convictions and moral aspects aside, I cannot even understand (As a woman) how somebody might be able to do this. One does literally shove something inside of her womb in order to force something else out. I cannot think of any situation, as worse as it may seem, in which Id be able to do this. Seriously.. I mean hooking up with every Tom, Dick and Harry is one thing, but murder.. Im running out of words…:mad::mad::mad:

poor little things :signofcross::signofcross:May God rest their little souls 😦
I didn’t know there was a stigma. Abortion is a private matter, and private matters are not generally shared with others.
There is a stigma. Having stood in front of an abortion clinic with other Catholics, I prayed. I in no way wanted to demean, insult or badger the (mostly) young women going into such clinics. Abortion is a matter that is very openly promoted by pro-abortion/pro-choice individuals and groups. Legal attempts to limit it have occurred. The goal of Catholics is to see abortion eliminated.

I recall what I heard in 1972 when it was being promoted on TV. In 1973, the US Supreme Court, not the people, legalized killing babies in the womb. We have a duty to remind people of this. Silence is not an option.

The media, through movies and TV shows, has done much to attempt to erase the stigma. To make abortion sound like just another form of birth control. And women do tell others they’ve had abortions. A google search would yield a lot of information.

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