Committing the sin of gluttony

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could you please help me understand the sin of gluttony?

in reading on it, i came across st. gregory’s definitionn, essentially, eating too soon before a proper mealtime, too luxiriously/costly i.e. desiring spices, sauces, dainty or elaborately prepared foods, too much which si self-explanatory, too quickly/eagerly/hastily/greedily. he seems to also be quite strict on the desires of eating and the pleasures associated with it. as in, we should eat out of necesity and nothing more.

st. Thomas aquinas essentially echos the ame sentiment in the summa theologica.

is there some kind fo context or interpretation i’m missing? because pretty much everyone, myself included, enjoyes things we don’t strictly need such as snacks between meals, desserts, candies/sweets, chips, popcorn, etC, and also many foods are exotic or elaborate to prepare, for example, many cultures use a lot of spices or sauces, certain dishes take all day to make, just froma plain reading, it does seem to condemn these things.

now the modern day church’s definition of gluttony does not make mention of all these points, so it just something where our undersstanding has evolved?
Wasn’t this exact “dainty or elaborate foods” question posted just several weeks ago?
St Gregory and St Thomas are holy men, for sure, but their teachings and the way they each teach about gluttony are not dogma.

All vices are the opposite of a virtue. With gluttony, it is temperance.

Be temperate and you are not gluttonous. It’s not a sin to have a piece of cake or two pieces of cake, or a fancy French dinner, or the large tub of popcorn at the movies. It’s not gluttony to enjoy a good bottle of wine, or to eat the best steak at the steakhouse for your birthday.

It would be intemperate to do that every day.

It’s not gluttony to dislike certain foods and choose not to eat them. But it is not exercising temperance to go to someone’s house as a guest, for example, and ask them to fix you something special.

Understand gluttony as an absence of temperance, a deliberate rejection of it.

Angel, if your scruples are acting up stop reading these esoteric teachings of saints. Many of them did extreme penances and lived ascetic lives. Not everyone is called to that. You should temper what you read by having things vetted by your pastor if they are going to disturb your conscience.
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