Does our church believe in common Grace?
I know there are a few different interrpretations of Grace.
We are taught we need to seek Grace from Christ to help us stay on the right path. But what of the people who have a belief, but don’t believe in our Catholic faith, but do live as good a life as possible, would this be the common Grace working in them?
As a child, I learned that Sanctifying Grace is God working within us. God is present in us because in the State of Sanctifying Grace, we share in the Divine Life of the Trinity. Back then, when I had a pet dinosaur, there was Actual Grace which was God helping us, etc. etc. etc. Today, a brief search finds different names, like Sacramental graces, which to me sounds just like the original Actual Grace.
To me, when I heard the word common coupled with grace from God, I considered that the gift can be received by anyone.
It is a gift common to all.
My favorite mental picture is Christ dining with “sinners.” Personally, I think sinners tell better jokes. Today, Christ still joins people whatever they are doing. He still is offering His actual graces to all in common. My second favorite mental picture is Christ, the God Shepherd, looking under bushes for sinners and those of us who are shy. I can imagine Him leaving a bowl of “grace” by the bush.
Special note. Even good people, even Saints, need lots of bowls filled with grace.
One can’t do good on an empty spirit.
Information source.
CCC, Glossary, Grace, page 881;
CCC, Glossary, Sanctifying Grace, page 898;
CCC, Glossary, Mortal Sin, page 889;
CCC, Index, grace, page 801;
and granny’s imagination
