I was going to post a question about Common Law Marriage (in the U.S.) and saw the “Your topic is similar to…” pop-up.
I didn’t see that this question had been previously answered: Does the Church recognize common law marriages as valid? Or are the common law spouses in a state of sin?
Could a common law marriage that is recognized as such by civil authorities be subsequently convalidated in the Church?
I’m leaning toward an answer of ‘yes,’ based on the reasoning that the sacrament of marriage is between the man and woman: CCC 1601: “The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament.”
(I guess this assumes that the two are baptized)
I didn’t see that this question had been previously answered: Does the Church recognize common law marriages as valid? Or are the common law spouses in a state of sin?
Could a common law marriage that is recognized as such by civil authorities be subsequently convalidated in the Church?
I’m leaning toward an answer of ‘yes,’ based on the reasoning that the sacrament of marriage is between the man and woman: CCC 1601: “The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament.”
(I guess this assumes that the two are baptized)
- (My state recognizes common law marriages that were entered into prior to January 2, 2005.)
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