these is a list of common psychological abuses in families in my country either experienced by myself or found on newspaper (no special order):
- repeated threatening of divorce during quarrellings between spouse in front of the child
- saying the child better not to be born at all to the child because the child costs them money earning opportunities.
2.1 saying a elder family member better be dead as supporting him/her cost too much - saying a female family member can’t earn a living even by prostitution
- refuse to speak a word to a family member for a specified time. pretty much like the “disfellowship” in JW
- “enjoy” comparing a family member with that of another family and letting him/her know how “inferior”/“useless” he/she is.
- threatening physical violences something like “mock execution” in interrogation
- saying the child is parents personal property and parents can do anything to child.
the 1st abuse shouldn’t happen to Catholic families. my country is predominantly atheism, and a divorce can be obtained within 5 minutes.
2nd abuse mostly happen in mammon worshipping families. there’s a “god” of mammon in local folklore and one can actually see some pictures of it being hung on walls in many families.