One indisputable fact is that God loves all of us whether we are gay, straight, or some other thing. I am not here to argue who God loves and doesnt love, that is nothing more than a smoke screen anyway. The Church doesn’t teach that God doesn’t love gay people, so the implication is erroneous.
Another diversionary tactic is to point out some of the outrageous practices found in the Old Testament, for example, they used to stone adulterous women to death as a penalty. The argument is that since we no longer do that, then we cannot retain any portion of the Old Testament without being inconsistent or unfair in some way. That means that the story of Sodam and Gomorrah can not be used as a defense against homosexual acts, because we no longer stone women to death! How rediculous!! First of all, in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, God inflicted death on the evil doers as opposed to “people” inflicting their own punishments, as in the case of the adulterous woman. Furthermore, adultery is still wrong, that hasn’t changed and it never will, just like homosexual behavior was wrong then as will always be! Let us not be fooled by false arguments.
We are often reminded that the Catholic Church is not perfect and that she has changed certain practices and beliefs over her 2000 year history. A favorite example is that the Church disallowed the teaching that the earth revolved around the sun, but has since come around to the truth of our solar system. Its true that the Church was wrong when it came to the solar system and eventually changed her position. To some this proves that the Church can err and does err, leaving the door open to any and all opposing views to be changed. Once again this is merely a smoke screen and let me show you how. The Church does not claim to be infallible on matters regarding the solar system or science in general. Those in the Church are capable of error any time they give their own opinion on an issue. The key is this, homosexuality is a matter of morals and the Church does teach that she is infallible in matters of faith and morals. The attempt to compare apples to oranges accomplishes nothing except to further confuse many misinformed Catholics.
OH, how about this one, “since the divorce rate is so high with heterosexual couples, the Church should change her teaching on the sin of homosexuality”. If that statement makes sense to you then you should probably stop now and go read the funny papers. An idiot can see that the divorce rate is so high because so many people disregard Church teaching. The solution to disobedience is not more disobedience!! That is like saying, “well since my son repeatedly breaks his curfew, I am going to solve that problem by removing the curfew!!!” Would anyone say that is responsible parenting? The curfew is in place as a safeguard for the child, removing the safeguard only puts the child at greater risk! But you dont need me to tell you that, its common sense.
Along the same lines, it is often spouted that the Church has lost its hold on the bedroom and that most Catholics already disobey the Church on sex outside of marriage, contraception, adultery and all the forms of sexual immorality. So again the argument is that since nobody likes these teachings, the Church is obligated to remove them. Ok, so now we just decide for ourselves what is sinful and what is not. If the Church has no place teaching on sin, then what is the purpose? If your position is that you are the only one that can decide for you what is sinful, what are you even doing in the Church to begin with? Go out there and become your own god, that way you get to set all the rules and you can even make it so that you go right to heaven. But remember that according to your rule, everyone else will be able to decide for themselves what is right or wrong. Someone may decided that torturing you is a good thing to do, and you would have to agree with them. After all, who are you to tell someone else what is or isnt sinful.
Finally, the Church has never contradicted any doctrine of the faith in all her 2000 years and never will. Because the Truth is unchanging, what is true today will be true tomorrow, you can count on that. And who would want it any other way?
Another diversionary tactic is to point out some of the outrageous practices found in the Old Testament, for example, they used to stone adulterous women to death as a penalty. The argument is that since we no longer do that, then we cannot retain any portion of the Old Testament without being inconsistent or unfair in some way. That means that the story of Sodam and Gomorrah can not be used as a defense against homosexual acts, because we no longer stone women to death! How rediculous!! First of all, in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, God inflicted death on the evil doers as opposed to “people” inflicting their own punishments, as in the case of the adulterous woman. Furthermore, adultery is still wrong, that hasn’t changed and it never will, just like homosexual behavior was wrong then as will always be! Let us not be fooled by false arguments.
We are often reminded that the Catholic Church is not perfect and that she has changed certain practices and beliefs over her 2000 year history. A favorite example is that the Church disallowed the teaching that the earth revolved around the sun, but has since come around to the truth of our solar system. Its true that the Church was wrong when it came to the solar system and eventually changed her position. To some this proves that the Church can err and does err, leaving the door open to any and all opposing views to be changed. Once again this is merely a smoke screen and let me show you how. The Church does not claim to be infallible on matters regarding the solar system or science in general. Those in the Church are capable of error any time they give their own opinion on an issue. The key is this, homosexuality is a matter of morals and the Church does teach that she is infallible in matters of faith and morals. The attempt to compare apples to oranges accomplishes nothing except to further confuse many misinformed Catholics.
OH, how about this one, “since the divorce rate is so high with heterosexual couples, the Church should change her teaching on the sin of homosexuality”. If that statement makes sense to you then you should probably stop now and go read the funny papers. An idiot can see that the divorce rate is so high because so many people disregard Church teaching. The solution to disobedience is not more disobedience!! That is like saying, “well since my son repeatedly breaks his curfew, I am going to solve that problem by removing the curfew!!!” Would anyone say that is responsible parenting? The curfew is in place as a safeguard for the child, removing the safeguard only puts the child at greater risk! But you dont need me to tell you that, its common sense.
Along the same lines, it is often spouted that the Church has lost its hold on the bedroom and that most Catholics already disobey the Church on sex outside of marriage, contraception, adultery and all the forms of sexual immorality. So again the argument is that since nobody likes these teachings, the Church is obligated to remove them. Ok, so now we just decide for ourselves what is sinful and what is not. If the Church has no place teaching on sin, then what is the purpose? If your position is that you are the only one that can decide for you what is sinful, what are you even doing in the Church to begin with? Go out there and become your own god, that way you get to set all the rules and you can even make it so that you go right to heaven. But remember that according to your rule, everyone else will be able to decide for themselves what is right or wrong. Someone may decided that torturing you is a good thing to do, and you would have to agree with them. After all, who are you to tell someone else what is or isnt sinful.
Finally, the Church has never contradicted any doctrine of the faith in all her 2000 years and never will. Because the Truth is unchanging, what is true today will be true tomorrow, you can count on that. And who would want it any other way?