You know, this is exactly what I’m talking about the catholic religion to me appears to be one formed on a very harsh set of morals and values.
Mac, I’m really sorry that you didn’t get a good solid foundation in Catholic teaching. The Catholic religion is not a “harsh set of rules”. The Church proclaims the truth of Christ.
Marriage is a Sacrament. It’s a covenant with God. Therefore, it’s not a revolving door. We are not free to marry and divorce, and remarry. We are not free to go to the courthouse and marry.
Why? Because God instituted marriage, and Christ made it a holy Sacrament. Christ then put the Church in charge of the Sacraments.
Marriage is a witness to Christ and his Church. That is why the Church guards and protects it.
I feel bad eough already.I know that in the eyes of the church we are living in sin. I guess I just never quite have understood my religion.
I’m sorry, I was one who was harsh. It is all hopefully correctable if your DH goes to see the priest about a decree of nullity.
Why then, when my parents were married outside of the church did they allow my siblings and I to baptized through the Catholic Church?
Because Baptism is not withheld from children because of their parents sin. Baptism is the door to Salvation. Baptism remits Original Sin. The Church does all she can to help us get to Heaven. If my parents sin could prevent my baptism, that would be a gross misjustice to
They still must deal with their own sin. But, if a parent wants to do right by their children, then the Church tries to help them.
I’m sorry you had your parents marriage outside the Church confusing the issue when it was time for you to be married.
my parents were the one’s who were going to set the examples for our religious upbringing. This still goes on today beause I see it all the time. When baptizing they require the godparents to be married through church but not the parents. What’s up with that? Don’t you think this needs to be fixed?
There is nothing to “fix”. Of course the parents who are married outside the Church need to fix
their situation, as fast as possible. But, the children are innocent and the Church wants to help them become Christians.
I think it is a big problem. Why on earth would they not require them to be married through the church. I believe that hipocracy rules here.
The Church
does require marriage in the Church. However, it does not punish the
children– who are innocent of the sin of their parents. The children have a right to be baptized. The parents have an obligation to have them baptized. The parents
also have an obligation to correct their marriage situation.
See, your parents didn’t do that… leading you to think it was OK. I am sorry that happened to you.
I’m really confused after hearing everyone’s view because that is what they are. They are your point of view on my situation.
No, it’s not opinion, it’s Church teaching. Your marriage is invalid. But, you and your DH can take steps to correct the situation and come back into the Sacraments. Fifteen years is a long time-- go see the priest immediately. He can counsel you.
I take full responsibility for my actions but I can’t accept that falling in love and being with the person I love as my husband especially after 15 great years of marriage to be such a sin.
He was already married. He was not free to marry. He could have had the first marriage examined but he didn’t. He could have talked to a priest but didn’t. So, yes, a lot of this is on the two of you because you didn’t take any responsibility to find out what was necessary, to adhere to church teaching. But, it can be resolved. Go see your priest.
I don’t know of any other church who sees this as such.
Yes, they teach falsely on the matter.
I guess I’m just a frustrated catholic who doesn’t know her religion very well.
You can fix that. Get the Catechism and start reading. God gave us the Church to guide us to Heaven. Don’t walk away from this gift.
With all these feelings of not belonging to the church I sometimes want to find a new more accepting church where I can feel as if I truly belong.
You certainly belong. You can correct your situation.
Going to another church who does not teach the Truth just to feel better isn’t going to solve anything.