Communism explained

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I’ve seen several posts by self proclaimed socialists and even communists here recently and wanted to address something.

Communism has several definitions and historical manifestations. It is my contention that none of them can be reconciled to Catholicism.

First we have the heretical movements in the middle ages, all of which were condemned by the Church. Umberto Eco does a great job illustrating one in his novel The Name of the Rose.

Next we have the attempt by the Anabaptists to set up what for all intents and purposes was a socialist or communist regime in Munster in 1534. No word from the Church concerning whether this matched the Gospel vision.

Next comes the French Revolution. Condemned over and over again. Babeuf is regarded as an early progenitor of what came to be known as communism.

And here’s where we get to theory. Proudhon, a proponent of mutualism, regarded his theory as the synthesis of communism and property. His works are placed on the Index.

Marxism envisions an historical process that is later to be for all intents and purposes disregarded by his most self proclaimed ardent adherents. History unfolds in a materialist fashion, with necessary stages ending in the evolution of capitalism which moves to socialism, when all private property is nationalized. At the end of this stage, when the ruling class has been subsumed and all men are equal, and the entirety of production is controlled by the ones doing the producing, that the state simply withers away as unnecessary and communism is reached. It is a stateless society where all property is held in common and all are equal. It is for all intents and purposes an eschatological vision, an inversion of Hegel’s vision of God by way of Feuerbach. To say it has been condemned is to put it lightly. It involves forceful seizure of property in the socialist stage and enforced equality, both of which go against the Church’s social teaching. While Church teaching allows socialization in some instances, it denounces the wholesale seizure of private property.

Marxism will develop into several different schools, with one unifying factor: forceful seizure of private property. Leninism will develop the theory of the vanguard as the only means to organize such a seizure and running of the state, though many will claim the roots of Leninism were not a deviation from but natural development of Marxist ideology. All subsequent Marxist schools of thought with any influence will use the vanguard theory in implementation of socialism.

A curious phase of the Russian Revolution will consist of what is called ‘war communism.’ The significance of this is that the leaders envisioned it as communism itself realized in history. It was a humanitarian, economic and moral disaster.

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A competing theory of communism springs from Proudhon. It develops into the theory known as anarcho-communism, it’s main proponent in the early days being Peter Kropotkin. We could discuss Bakunin but for now we’ll stick to Kropotkin. He envisions the dissolution of the statr as immediate, the seizure of private property in the means of production as the first stage in the revolution. From this will develop a society of equality, where force is absent and all production is held in common by the people themselves. Notably, his vision is a bit more humane than the dictatorship of the proletariat that Marx envisioned. However, it’s immediate strategy is a tactic condemned by the Church: seizure of private property by force. His vision is almost atheistic where religion is a form of hierarchy to be dismantled in the new society of equality.

From this explanation of communism we can notice several recurring themes. I won’t even mention the atheistic aspect of the main two theories of communism in my critique. I will stick to several themes that blatantly go against Church social teaching.
  1. Violent seizure of private property of means of production, condemned as far back as Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum. Private property of means of production is allowed under Catholic social teaching.
  2. Enforced equality. Nowhere in Church social teaching are natural differences or differences in wealth condemned as evil as such.
  3. A moneyless society. Jesus used money. He didn’t denounce the use of money. Church social teaching does not condemn the use of money or its existence. The most it says is that a stable currency is a requisite of social justice. Money is the root of all evil. Nowhere do we find a statement calling for its abolishment.
  4. A stateless society. The Church has always recognized the existence of the state as a natural part of society. It has called for state action in its social teaching. It nowhere speaks of the state as wrong as such. Therefore, we can safely conclude a stateless society is against Church teaching.
  5. The abolishment of hierarchy. To say this goes against Catholic teaching is to put it lightly. Laity, priest, bishop, archbishop and so on. Hierarchy is a part of society and the Church.
Communism is antithetical to Catholicism and Catholic social teaching. It is my contention that one cannot be a communist and a Catholic.
The most interesting common thread among all variations of communism is the obsession with equality and the rejection of hierarchy. The system is based entirely on envy and is reminiscent of Satan and his rebellion.
While Catholic social teaching does call for equality it is not the same as the common and communist ideals of equality. Those are more akin to a Procrustes’ bed than anything.
Every time there is a discussion on this, people get angry at me because I say that there are somethings about unrestricted capitalism that can’t be resolved with Catholic social teaching. I feel like people think I am making this up, I am not. RERUM NOVARUM ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII ON CAPITAL AND LABOR
Lol I was gonna post it in a thread that got closed so I just wanted to start it here. Apologies if this subject is tiring you out.
Every time there is a discussion on this, people get angry at me because I say that there are somethings about unrestricted capitalism that can’t be resolved with Catholic social teaching. I feel like people think I am making this up, I am not.
You’re making it up!

But seriously, you are correct. There are as many passages condemning unrestrained capitalism as there are passages condemning socialism.

I will say I find it odd when those condemning socialism wish to use passages from Popes to illustrate their point but find similar passages about unrestrained capitalism of no weight.
The problem lies in the inability of people to know the difference between classical communism and the bastardizations of communism introduced during the 20th century…Classical Communism cannot be compared to Marxism, Soviet Communism, or Sino Communism…and next the inability of people to distinguish Socialism from Communism.

Its not surprising though, as neither side, left or right, understand the fundamentals of the policies of their own (Democratic or Republican) parties, let alone the policies of the opposition.
Communism is mans attempt at heaven on hearth unfortunately we are all created different and have multiple views of life and different goals. We are predators at heart communism can never work.The state is treated as God.
There is no true form of communism in the world and there never will be.
The problem lies in the inability of people to know the difference between classical communism and the bastardizations of communism introduced during the 20th century…Classical Communism cannot be compared to Marxism, Soviet Communism, or Sino Communism…and next the inability of people to distinguish Socialism from Communism.

Its not surprising though, as neither side, left or right, understand the fundamentals of the policies of their own (Democratic or Republican) parties, let alone the policies of the opposition.
I would agree with the last paragraph. However I must disagree with the first. The term communism has been so perverted it’s best to just consign it to the dustbin of history. Perhaps communitarianism is better.
The problem lies in the inability of people to know the difference between classical communism and the bastardizations of communism introduced during the 20th century…Classical Communism cannot be compared to Marxism, Soviet Communism, or Sino Communism…and next the inability of people to distinguish Socialism from Communism.

Since communism was basically invented by Marx, so Classical Communism is Marxism.

Communism is 100%, inherently evil. Ever since it was coined, every single Pope has condemned it.
I haven’t noticed any threads on here about communism or socialism. I don’t see the Church in light of Communism or Socialism. I don’t see the Church in light of politics in general. I don’t think communism is a pressing issue any longer.

Right now the economy shrunk by 4.8% and unemployment is 15% but the stock market is fine. I suspect it will get worse, but this is only a suspicion. I’m looking towards credit debt being a problem. I don’t see communism or socialism in America on the horizon. I do suspect if this goes on long enough there might be some anarchism on the way. Again, if I had to be theoretical, anarchism is a bigger threat than communism.
I don’t think communism is a pressing issue any longer.
I totally disagree. Communism is actually growing now in the West. More and more people are open about supporting communism & socialism, esp among Millenials.

A lawyer I work with will openly talk about her support of communism & socialism. It’s really scary how leftism is quickly growing in the West.

We have to remember, back in the early 1900s, communists knew the West was too economically strong for Communism to take hold via revolution like they did in Russia. They knew it would take about a 100 years of slowly pushing towards the left.

In the 1930s and 1940s, communists in America knew that Americans would not accept socialism and communism, but they knew that Americans would accept progressivism and liberalism. So the communists infiltrated the Democratic Party and slowly pushed their views (under the guise of progressivism & liberalism) on the young Democrats & in colleges.

Today, socialists are starting to publicly run for office in the United States and have been all over the Western world for some time. And communists, while not publically getting elected to office, they are starting to come out of the closet too, all over the West.

So the communism might be gone in Eastern Europe, but the West is just starting to flirt with it pretty hard…

God Bless
What the OP fails to distinguish is socialism and Democratic socialism from communism. They do not involve the forceful seizure of anyone’s goods.

Just because there is a Church hierarchy does not mean that class divisions are a good or necessary aspect of our civilization or that working to eliminate class and caste in anti-Catholicism.

While the OP goes on for a while I think it essentially sets up a strawman and then aggressively knocks it down. Communism is described in quite foreshortened terms. What is meant most often in this thread, I believe, is totalitarianism, which is a form of communism.

Historically there have been a number of Catholic socialists who were faithful to Church teachings.
What the OP fails to distinguish is socialism and Democratic socialism from communism.
The focus of the OP is communism, not socialism. While there have been parties and organizations that have called themselves socialist that a Catholic is not forbidden to join, it is my personal opinion that the term socialism is too far gone to save, as is communism.

In addition, if you wish we can discuss the great democratic socialists.
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