Companion for Shut-In, Pet Canary Rupert, Seriously Injured

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A good friend of mine who lives alone with health issues and a fixed income whom I correspond with on the Flickr photography website is asking for prayers on the other website for her pet canary, Rupert. This bird is her daily companion and good friend.

My photographer friend is not Catholic and does not know I’m here requesting prayers for her and her canary Rupert, but she does read the writings of Brother Lawrence and his spirituality about practicing the presence of God.

What she has posted on the photography website is the message below quoted:
Please pray for my canary to live. Accident late afternoon 4 EST NY, I live alone; he’s my friend; Please … Thanks friends.”
~~ the phoenix / CountryDreaming on Flickr
Heal the Pet Canary Rupert Lord…
Psalm 103
Praise of God’s Creation

-Bless the Lord, 0 my soul!
You are very great, 0 Lord, my God!
-Clothed in pomp and brilliance,
arrayed with light as with a cloak.

-Stretching out the sky as a tent-cloth,
covering your lofty halls with water.
-You make the clouds your conveyance,
You surge on the wings of the wind.

-You make spirits your messengers
and flaming fires your attendants.
-You settle the earth on its firm foundation:
it shall stand unmoved from age to age.

-The abyss covers it like a garment;
waters stand over the mountains.
-At your rebuke, they will take to flight,
at the peal of your thunder they will fear.

-They hurdle the hills and run down the dales
to the place you have chosen for them.
-You have set up a boundary not to be passed:
they shall never return to cover the earth.

-Down in the gullies, You make springs to rise:
waters shall go down between the mountains.
-They shall give drink to the beasts of the field;
wild asses will seek them to quench their thirst.

-The birds of the sky will abide by them:
from among the rocks they will raise their song.
-From your lofty halls You refresh the mountains;
the earth shall be fed with the fruit of your works.

-You make green pastures for the cattle
and food-plants for the service of man,
-So that bread may be brought forth from the earth
and wine that gladdens the heart of man.

-So that oil may put a gleam upon his face
and that bread may strengthen the heart of man.
-The trees of the plain will be satisfied,
the cedars of Lebanon that He planted.

-The sparrows will build their nests in them
and the herons will call them their home.
-To the deer belong high mountains,
to rodents, the shelter of the rocks.

-You have made the moon to mark the seasons;
the sun knows the time of its setting.
-You establish darkness and it is night
wherein the forest creatures prowl around.

-Young lions roar for their prey
and call out to God for their meat.
-As the sun rises, they will come together
and lay themselves down in their dens.

-Man will go out to his labor
and work until eventide.
-How great are your works, 0 Lord!
In wisdom You have wrought them all:
the earth is filled with your creatures.

-Even the wide and open sea itself:
within it there are countless creeping things,
living beings small and large.
-Upon it there are ships a-sailing
and that great beast You made to have fun.

-All of them look up to You
to give them their food in due time.
-You provide and they gather up;
You open your hand and they are full.

-You hide your face and they cringe,
You suspend their breath and they die and return to their dust.
-You send forth Your breath and they live:
You renew the face of the earth!

-May the Lord’s glory endure forever,
may the Lord rejoice in his works.
-He looks upon the earth and makes it quake,
He touches the mountains and they smoke.

-I will sing to the Lord as long as I live,
I will praise my God as long as I last.
-Would that my thoughts be pleasing to Him
and I will rejoice in the Lord.

-May the sinners vanish from the earth
and may the wicked be no more.
-Bless the Lord, 0 my soul!

-Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and forever. Amen.
-Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia.
Glory be to You, 0 God. (3 times with a bow)
Dear** Pani Rose, BarbaraTherese, Zooey, **and Stitch:

Thank you all so much for your kind prayers!

After three hours in which it was hard to tell whether Rupert would pull through and at one point did not look to be alive, the canary began to recover. This bird means so much to my friend that I called long distance to see how things were going. At the end of the phone call, Rupert was able to move around in his cage, drink water, and sing.

While I had posted my friend’s prayer request here, she had posted her own prayer request in the Christian Photography group on the Flickr website.

She will be so very grateful to you all for your help. I will be sure to pass on your prayerful messages so that she can see the support she’s received, and I’m sure that in turn she’ll pray for you.


~~ the phoenix
Dear mommyof4, Gladys, and Sapphire:

I have passed along your names to my friend in e-mail along with the others so that she can know who to be grateful towards and pray for in return.

God bless you all for your generosity, and I also present everyone on this thread to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament when I visit the Perpetual Adoration Chapel.


~~ the phoenix
Come on Rupert, we know that the good Lord would want you to live. Praying
Praying for Rupert and your friend.

St. Francis of Assisi Lover of all Creation
** Prayer for Sick Animals:**
** Heavenly Father,**
** you created all things for your glory**
** and made us stewards of this creature**
** If it is your will, restore it to health and strength.**
** Blessed are you, Lord God,**
** and holy is your name for ever and ever.**
** Amen**
Dear mommyof4, Gladys, and Sapphire:

I have passed along your names to my friend in e-mail along with the others so that she can know who to be grateful towards and pray for in return.

God bless you all for your generosity, and I also present everyone on this thread to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament when I visit the Perpetual Adoration Chapel.


~~ the phoenix
Thank you for your prayers…

Dear mahleh, AngelRose81, **Duffyo7, ****BarbaraTherese **and all,

Here is an update that I received through e-mail on my friend’s pet canary Rupert:
Rupert just falls to the floor sometimes, missing a perch, … is gaining strength. That prayer was perfect on restoring to health and strength!! Thanks again, yes he does still need prayer.
Rupert has cardboard to protect from the AC & sat in the easy chair watching tv on neutrons & positrons… lol
Thanks again for the kindness of your prayers. 🙂 Your names and messages have been passed along in e-mail and you will be gratefully prayed for in return. My friend has many trials in her daily life, and her bird is someone she can count on to share her days.

~~ the phoenix
Continued prayers for your friend & for her beloved Rupert.
Thank you for updatiing us!!
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