Concerned About What to Do

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For months I have known of a parish. which I shall not name, that happens to be located in the United States. I do not live in the US (not even on the same continent), but there is a parish I discovered in a certain American diocese that dissents from virtually every social doctrine of the Church. It openly (in the pastor’s homilies and bulletins, on the outside of the Church building, on its website etc) opposes Church teaching on the ordination of women, homosexuality, and possibly even other issues.

I feel I may need to report it, especially as the diocese has a new bishop who might not really understand what this parish gets up to. However, I fear it is none of my business, having only discovered these details by the weekly bulletins and homilies uploaded to the parish website, as well as other website resources.

I know that the parish is in full communion with the diocese as it is listed on the diocesan website as well as the pastor.

Should I report this to the bishop of the diocese the parish is in, or should I leave it be and accept it is none of my business?

God Bless.
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Given that your information is at best second hand and you do not live in the parish, nor the diocese, your letter is extremely likely to never be seen by the new bishop.

There are not too many bishops out there who do not have a staff of priests, and possibly assistant bishops, as well as laity to assist them in their duties. And it should come as no surprise to anyone that the chance of a bishop actually seeing your letter is somewhere between small and extremely not likely. He is coming to his see with a multitude of people who have been staffing the various sections of the diocese; that might be a hint that your letter is likely to be opened by someone with that duty, and reviewed by one or more staff before a decision is made to present that specific letter to the bishop - and what that decision might be.

If that is not enough of a broad hint, I would suggest that you include the parish, the diocese, and the new bishop in your prayers and go about your business evangelizing to those around you. and if you have any questions about evangelizing, tap into information being provided by Bishop Barron.
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They are Catholic. They are listed on the Catholic Diocese website, lead by a bishop appointed by the pope himself.

There are also pictures of the bishop emeritus on the parish website.
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I did not take any course of action after my last thread. People gave many different answers as to what I should do.

But now I am quite worried about this parish and feel that something should be done.

I have not mentioned it to my parish priest. He would think it is a bit silly wanting to report a parish thousands of kilometres away in a completely different country. He also probably would not think that a teenage boy (me) is the best person to police parishes that he has nothing to do with.
Maybe I should just leave it, considering it is not even in my own country. Let those in the diocese deal with it.
Yes, I think that is good advice. As I said, I think I will just leave it and let the bishop and diocesan authorities sort out this problem.
However, I fear it is none of my business, having only discovered these details by the weekly bulletins and homilies uploaded to the parish website, as well as other website resources.
Bingo. MYOB.
@catholic03, given your previous struggles with anxiety and scruples, the best advice is what was given you before and what is being given you again: stay in your lane, mind your own business. It’s not your place to say something. Are you getting help for your scrupulosity?


I would bet you a ham sandwich that a whole gob of people have reported this to the Diocese, there is likely an extensive file on which the new Bishop has been thoroughly briefed.

If you want to write a letter, specify specific dates and times when you were in attendance and heard these things proclaimed from the pulpit. Anything second/third hand will be considered hearsay. Then, sign your name. Dioceses usually ignore anonymous complaints.
The OP isn’t from the Diocese or even the country in question. I can assure you that any correspondence to said Diocese will be promptly ignored.
For months I have known of a parish. which I shall not name, that happens to be located in the United States. I do not live in the US (not even on the same continent), but there is a parish I discovered in a certain American diocese that dissents from virtually every social doctrine of the Church. It openly (in the pastor’s homilies and bulletins, on the outside of the Church building, on its website etc) opposes Church teaching on the ordination of women, homosexuality, and possibly even other issues.

I feel I may need to report it, especially as the diocese has a new bishop who might not really understand what this parish gets up to.
I doubt very much that the bishop is unaware of what’s going on within his own diocese. If somehow he is unaware because he is new, he will likely be informed pretty quickly, and doesn’t need to be getting reports from another continent from people who have zero connection to the parish or diocese in question.

Let it go.

I also kindly suggest that you focus more on the parishes and dioceses you actually frequent.
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It openly (in the pastor’s homilies and bulletins, on the outside of the Church building, on its website etc) opposes Church teaching on the ordination of women, homosexuality, and possibly even other issues.
I agree with others that you should not let this trouble you. Let those who are closer to the parish do the worrying and the work. All that you should do – and you may find great peace in this – is to love the people of that parish.

Love them because they are good people. They aren’t trying to be evil. They desire some of the same goods that you and I desire: justice, human dignity, freedom. They may be going about it wrong, but not all wrong. Let us pray that God will direct their good inclinations toward good works, so that they may help to accomplish his will.

Be patient, and may peace be with you.
We have one such parish in my area. It is, and long has been, a scandal. We have been through several bishops over the years and I can assure you they know all about it. Why they don’t do anything…that’s a whole different matter. I am quite sure the bishop knows about it, and thus I’d recommend doing nothing.
Hello Father,

Thank you for your advice. I have been greatly helped by the Scrupulous Anonymous website. I can also say that if CAF had answered my questions about scrupulosity before, then the cycle of reassurance would have continued.

Thank you Father, and God Bless You.
By help, I don’t mean websites, I mean are you talking to your priest about it?

And I’m not sure what you mean by your comment about CAF and the cycle of reassurance.
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By cycle of reassurance, I mean that it would have made the problem worse if my questions had been answered. Although this is my first such ‘Scrupulous’ thread since July, I tend to not even know that what I am posting is scrupulous at the time that I post it. As a result, it is probably best that I leave the forum, if you agree Father.

I ensure to mention to priests during confession about my scrupulosity before I start confessing, so they know what they are dealing with. They tailor their advice accordingly, and last Saturday I received some particularly helpful advice in confession.

I am not seeing a priest regularly to talk specifically about my scrupulosity as it has greatly improved in the past few months.

I also try to flag other scrupulous threads here as I know that if the original poster’s question is answered, then it will do no good.

God Bless you, Father.
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a result, it is probably best that I leave the forum, if you agree Father.
I don’t think you have to go to that extreme. Most of your participation in the forum is relatively unproblematic. But this is another thing, going to extremes whenever you’re criticized. You might ought to seek spiritual direction or counseling.
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