Concert in Church

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What are your feelings on this? I have seen church sanctuaries turned into makeshift stages for “Christain concerts”. With lighting put in place, and singers situated with mics all around the altar. Electric guitars and drum sets all over and around the altar.

is there any definitive text against such things?
I think that the sanctuary should not on a routine basis be used for anything except Liturgucal functions. The area down and in front of the altar would be ok if the Blessed Sacrament is removed to another room with someone in attendance and the tabernacle door opened with the lamp out during the event. IMO
What are your feelings on this? I have seen church sanctuaries turned into makeshift stages for “Christain concerts”. With lighting put in place, and singers situated with mics all around the altar. Electric guitars and drum sets all over and around the altar.

is there any definitive text against such things?
I’m opossed to this, here in our Church every now and then there is a concert and you pay at the door:ehh: never in my life have I witnessed such practice.
I Never !!! go to them and I’m not about to pay at the door to enter the Church, to me it’s disgusting, but then thats only my opinion.
Jesus chased the money changers from the Church, and the only recorded time where Jesus showed His anger.
God preserve us from this !!!
Here is a link from the EWTN library of documents on the subject of concerts in churches…

Concerts in Churches
Read your link, but still not convinced, the music I hear at Mass will suffice, but then again I’m falliable.
I do not know about others but there is already so much disrespect for the Church, and I am concerned that these types of things make it only worse. two things that I think are a must:
  1. Remove our Lord from the Church
  2. Cover and keep all away from the altar.
I think it would be impossible to remove the Lord from the chuch, even if you took the Blessed Sacrament out of the tabernacle. 🙂
I think it would be impossible to remove the Lord from the chuch, even if you took the Blessed Sacrament out of the tabernacle. 🙂
I agree so much with this we wounder why our kids do not have a reverence for the Church when so many are being turned into gyms. Some times this music thing can be very good but it is so easy for it to get out of hand.
As someone who is going to be part of a band performing a concert in our Church in a couple weeks, I must contest! :mad:

(OK, I’m not really mad. I understand the greater points. But hear me out:)

Our Church is by far the largest in the area. We have brought in some major Christian and Catholic artists to perform. Our band is leading a two-hour praise and worship event. Quite honestly, we either do it here, or it doesn’t happen. The Church and church community simply cannot afford to rent out any sort of place where a concert would be held, and while an outdoor tent could possibly be done, even this is burdensome and expensive.

In addition, our Church is a more contemporary design. There simply is no place else than the Sanctuary to set this up. It may help matters a bit to know that the tabernacle is in a special chapel to the side, rather than in the Sanctuary (another topic - our Priest and others, including me, would prefer it in the Sanctuary, but it’s not quite that simple).

This is not done out of disrespect, and it is not done as a whim. It is handled with much thought and considring all our options.

Sometimes I think we immediately look for bad motives, rather than looking at all sides of the story.

My Parish does not engage in Liturgical abuses, the Priest is faithful to Rome and former Bishop Raymond Burke.

Don’t always assume the worst.
We have a beautiful old Church here in the city and the local symphony had a concert series every year. The priest had to put an end to it for a few reasons but the straw that broke the camels back was when he found footprints on the altar linens.
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